


Apr 1, 2012
I just went out for about 30 minutes. I was on the dhalo section of pine creek in Pittsburgh. After a few looks from a nice brown... Strike! I took it on a size 16 blue winged olive. Really nice fish, about 10 inches. This was so exciting for me being that it was my first fish on a dry fly.
Outstanding. I really like to hear when guys (or gals) get their first fish on a fly. It will always be remembered!

Congratulations, Rick.

It's a kick, isn't it?

Were you able to see the fish come up to take the fly, or were you surprised by it?


Rickb326 wrote:
I just went out for about 30 minutes. I was on the dhalo section of pine creek in Pittsburgh. After a few looks from a nice brown... Strike! I took it on a size 16 blue winged olive. Really nice fish, about 10 inches. This was so exciting for me being that it was my first fish on a dry fly.
I watched the fish swim up to the fly three times. I casted a forth time, let it float over it's head, and the rest was history. Watching it grab the fly and run with it was great!
First time a fish went up at my dry i stood there looking at it thinking, Man, that is so cool!!! Then realized I should be lifting the rod if I wanted to hook it! :)
Congratz Rick,

That's a good 30 minutes spent on the water huh?

Awesome. I missed my first 20 on dry flies for having the itchy trigger finger. I think i was pulling the fly from there mouth before it was atcually in there. All of those confused fish. LOL

Good job.
I just went out again yestersay. I used the same fly, cast at a 45 degrees upstream, let it drift over several fish's heads... Nothing. I had a few looks, but nothing. I noticed that the fish weren't really coming to the surface for anything. What would you use in the situation?
Also is it time tomoveon from the BWO?

I was out on pine (Allegheny County) yesterday as well and only saw a few fish rising. I did manage some success on size 14 deer hair caddis flies. Pheasent tail nymphs slow and low seem to work well also.

There were quite a few bugs on the water, unfortunately not very good at identifying insects. The only ones I could pick out were the caddis and where ever they were deer hair caddis were effective. I would keep an eye out for them .

There was another white fly that worked ok. I'll get a picture of it when I get home since I don't know what it is called (just something I threw together at the vice).
Yeah I could use all the pointers that I can get when it comes to Pine Creek. I will have to try that caddis. I haven't gotten into tying my own flies, but I would be interested to see what you tied.
Watch for golf balls when you get too far downstream on Pine.........
ryguyfi wrote:
Watch for golf balls when you get too far downstream on Pine.........

Still not as bad as Deer, I swear they aim for ya there sometimes.

This isn't the best pic or tie but this style fly has been working well for me.

Also providing I actually get my ride back from the body shop on thursday I am going to attempt a couple hours on Pine Friday evening, if you are interested let me know we could meet up and attack it together.
Yeah I would be up for that sometime. I will let you know about Friday.
Have you or anyone had any success using a slow water caddis?
Rickb326 wrote:
Yeah I would be up for that sometime. I will let you know about Friday.
Have you or anyone had any success using a slow water caddis?

I've used similiar caddis on other creeks with moderate success, but mostly use elk hair and x caddis. Thats just a personal preference of mine.
I've yet to catch one on a dry fly and posts like this one increase my enthusiasm.