Strike indicators

I do a lot of steelhead fishing and I've given up on indicators. I still carry the pinch on foam and the little balsa / toothpick indicators, but I rarely use them. I have tough time getting a good drift with indicators. What helps me is using different colors of leader material to help me judge depth. And I concentrate like hell.
Tom, we should fish together sometime-- I like your style. I used an indicator 90 percent of the time I was in Erie this last trip and 3 of the four fish I caught were when I removed it in order to get better control over my drift.
email me at or
Maybe we can set something up.
That has happened to me a bunch of times. It is quite apalling when you can't figure out what fly to use and the damn things are hitting a glowing styrofoam ball!
I also live up in Erie and I like to use the white yarn indicators with the o rings. They can be used with up to 3 bb size split shot and are reusable and do not spook fish.