Streamer Fly Swap

Shipping next week
Mine will go out tomorrow. Swear it took me longer to print labels than tie the flies. Jesus, I can bring you a container from China but I can't use the USPS website. 🤣 Next swap we should just deliver them fireside at the JAM.
What is the allure of a fly swap?
-I really enjoy seeing the skill and craftsmanship that people have when tying flies.
-I like actually seeing patterns that I may not tie instead of just seeing a photo.
-When tying for a swap, tying multiple flies helps my technique.
-For newer tiers, it gives a forum for feedback.
-It keeps me in the good graces of the USPS. 🤣
What is the allure of a fly swap?
Two things for me:

1) I like to see patterns that are popular with other folks. It can help me get out of a rut of my go-to flies. (I have not actually fished any flies from swaps I've participated in, but I have gone on to tie some of the patterns.)
2) Especially this time of year, I am less motivated to tie because I'm not fishing much. Swaps / tying socials / etc. motivate me to sit at the vise during the hell of winter.
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After tying a bunch of Martins minnows and not loving any of them (sorry), I played around and finally landed on a design I like, so I’ll be sending a simiilar sized same-colored version of a blacknose dace, using brass eyes, coarse vintage poly rug yarn, a single black cape hackle and two pieces of flash. If I can finish them tomorrow I’ll ship on Saturday, but if not then I’ll finish them over the weekend and ship Monday.
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I finished my streamers tonight for the swap. Jim, you’ll find 10 of them in there. The extra one is for you. I know you said you’re not a streamer fisherman but if you decide to give it a shot or go after Smallies this summer this is a good fly to have in your box. Thanks again for organizing the swap. My plans are to get my flies on their way to you in tomorrow’s mail.
Finished the swap flies, decided to add a set of jiggy buggers for everyone. Plan is to mail them early next week. Also included a set for Jim as a token of my appreciation for hosting the swap.

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I agree with Jim. Repetitive tying of the same pattern definitely helps with your technique and consistency. I’m getting a lot of practice with dubbing loops tying these Shenk’s White Minnows. Planning on finishing them up this evening.
Understood. But after tying over 10,000 flies I don't need any practice refining my technique or consistency.
I’ve never participated in a fly swap either. So what is the allure of a fly swap?

After following the fly swaps here for some time, and looking at the pictures of the flies you guys have tied, I think I know what the allure is.

Fly swaps are pretty much like the Mega Millions Lottery, but with just one exception. If you get in on one of the fly swaps here everyone is guaranteed to be a winner.