Streamer caught Smallmouth

Got another 20" bass tonight
You guys make me happy I live where I do. The Juniata returns to good levels in a hurry. Right now it looks wonderful. I'll be on it tonight.

But please, stay down there and sulk over the need for y'all to come crowd my waters.
I was up in / around your section Tuesday. We moved and lost a half dozen really good fish in addition to lots of 'dinks', sunfish and a whopper fallfish. Flow was actually starting to get pretty low and clarity was excellent. Susky was down to a good level but still muddy last I looked.
I'm taking a guy from here and his dad down the river tomorrow. Cleared up nicely 🤞
Water was stained today but fishing was slow compared to earlier in week. We had two fish in 20"range out of the few we got though. I could not get any on top. Saw 3 guys in kayaks flyfishing and they said they had caught a few.
I live near Columbia. From late June to mid September it appears all the big smallmouth leave the relatively shallow river and run down into Long Level. From late September to mid November the larger fish come up and start feeding on more accessible bait.


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There was another big shot of water that came down from up north. When I looked at the Sunbury gauge and saw it was jumping up around 9,000 CFS.... Bailed and went to the J. Overrun with tubes and yaks yesterday. Guided over there today. Water was good but lots and lots of grass in the drift which made life unpleasant. Our biggest fish were hooked in surprisingly skinny water. One was so shallow, I told the guy up front to cast to the weeds that were breaking the surface but it was actually the fishs dorsal fin. 😳. Something else I don't think I've seen before was a big flat pool where there was a disturbance that caught her eye. Once we got closer bait began spraying out of the water and you could see four or five bass chasing and throwing themselves at the bait. Within seconds of that there was a high-speed v-wake and a giant swirl which I can only assume was a musky snatching one of them. I have to say we were within 40 ft of the whole thing going down which was pretty cool to see
There was another big shot of water that came down from up north. When I looked at the Sunbury gauge and saw it was jumping up around 9,000 CFS.... Bailed and went to the J. Overrun with tubes and yaks yesterday. Guided over there today. Water was good but lots and lots of grass in the drift which made life unpleasant. Our biggest fish were hooked in surprisingly skinny water. One was so shallow, I told the guy up front to cast to the weeds that were breaking the surface but it was actually the fishs dorsal fin. 😳. Something else I don't think I've seen before was a big flat pool where there was a disturbance that caught her eye. Once we got closer bait began spraying out of the water and you could see four or five bass chasing and throwing themselves at the bait. Within seconds of that there was a high-speed v-wake and a giant swirl which I can only assume was a musky snatching one of them. I have to say we were within 40 ft of the whole thing going down which was pretty cool to see
Dear krayfish,

Your last two sentences described every single day at the poop pipe below the Goudey Station powerplant outflow in Johnson City NY. It was called the poop pipe because until the mid-1960's it was where the sewerage went. No treatment plants back in the day.

There was a small pool there that was usually boiling hot in the summertime due to the powerplant running full steam. It never bothered the minnows, and never bothered the smallmouth, and never bothered the pike. It was nothing to see minnows leap on the shore followed by the smallmouth chasing them who ran a ground. But it was something else to see the pool go dead still because a pike was there.

My brother Terry caught a 47-inch pike in that pool, on a smallmouth attached to a Clouser minnow.

Thirty years ago, that river was an awesome fishery. I'll bet it's still as good. It's not like much progress or development has been made in Broome County NY.


Tim Murphy 🙂
Fingers crossed the Susky will be fishable by 9/15 for my canoe/island camping trip. Thanks all for the reports.
Was out yesterday on river. Slow day on spinning gear. Had fly rod still rigged with topwater fly so just for heck of it made a couple casts. Immediately got blow ups on it and then hooked one. Son switched to a popper on spinning rod and got a couple. Mine was around 16". I am sometimes surprised how late in season bass will still take on top.