Stream Work on the Loyalhanna



Active member
Feb 7, 2012
Was by the Loyalhanna this weekend - east of rt. 711 and noticed a ton of work being done to improve habitat and create current. There must have been a dozen wedge deflectors, jack dams, and other bank improvements items done all in a week's time over just a 100 yards or so section of the stream.. I was wondering if anyone knew who was sponsering the work? I won't mind donating time or $'s since I fish that area often.
In the past Forbes Trail TU has done alot of stream improvement work on Loyalhanna. I'm not an active member so I can't say for sure. I thought they had moved to Mill Creek and the last time I worked with them it was on Linn Run. Stop by the News Stand, I'm sure they can tell you who's doing the work.
I did, they had no clue which is why I'm perplexed - the area runs along private land.
Out of curiosity, is that land posted? I assume no, since you mentioned that you fish it often? However, in my experience, any work done on private land--especially unadvertised and unpromoted -- raises red flags. Isn't that stretch owned by Rolling Rock Club?
It's just downstream from RR. The creek is public but most of the adjacent land is privately owned or owned by the Western PA Conservacy so there's very little public access. Seems like a lot of expense for little public benefit, though I'm not complaining since I own some of the nearby non stream-front property.
My understanding is the work is being done with funding from the Mellon Foundation. The PFBC Habitat Division is involved with the process and it will be continuing for several more weeks.
Great to hear!!! The work so far is amazing!
Hi, I'm Mark Sausser Stream Habitat Manager with PFBC. We are working with Loyalhanna Watershed Association(LWA), and Western Pennsylvania Conservancy(WPC) on improving stream habitat in Loyalhanna Creek. PFBC designs and oversees construction of all the habtiat devices installed. The sites we have completed so far along route 30 have totaled 2000 feet upstream and downstream of peters road bridge. The property is open to the public for fishing as long as you stay along stream bank. Property is owned by Laurel Valley Golf Club and Seton Hill. Funding was awared to LWA provided by Richard King Mellon Foundation. Work will continue on improving another 2400' this summer located on the boundry line of rolling rock property downstream to Ligoner Beach. LWA is attempting to secure funding from The Mellon Foundation for another 1.5 miles of stream improvement for Loyalhanna. Support and praise is very welcomed and thank you.
Sounds like an excellent project. How 'bout some before and after pics?

Welcome Mark, to the Paff forums. By all means keep us informed of such projects. Keep up the good work.
Thanks Mark!! As stated, that area is literally in my back yard and the work is exceptional. I cant wait until spring when the high flow and debris build-up carves the stream-bed into great trout habitat. In the heat of July I found large numbers of trout still in that very area, so maybe a hold-over population will survive. Post a site if directed donations or voluntier work can be provided, though with the Mellons funding I'm sure it's in good hands!!!