Stream Watch: Clarks

Clark's really is not that bad at all. Sure it's low but you shouldn't have problems catching. Yes if ur driving two hours prolly not worth it but ur crazy if you think it's a bad fishery. Find some riffles and fish them. Was there for an hour or so and caught 2 browns one wild and one stocked and missed plenty more.
And for someone who loves big fish you'd think you would give it a go come the spawn
Squaretail wrote:
Mmph... mmph... BAAARRRFFFFF.

^ I contest at all. Clarks has way more fish, way more fishable water, is way prettier, is way less crowded, has more hatches, better temps in the summer, and has wild fish mixed in with the stockies.

Surprising comments here...was at Clarks for the first time a few weeks ago...did well, did very well.

Wait a second....who said I like big fish? I probably did. Lol. As for your spawn....... Ive been there several times over the course of several years. Either I don't know what a big brown looks like or I'm completely blind. I'll vote for blind. If you care to prove me wrong, yell up over the hill. I'll come pick you up and supply the beer.
Clarks used to be my favorite "local" stream. A little over an hour drive if I floored it up 283. I think it's a pretty stream. Some decent hatches if you hit it right and always the option of terrestrials in the summer months. It does stay cold and has some wild fish. I will say it is somewhat featureless and has become even more so since the giant log jams formed after the flood. Some of the better stretches in the FFO have filled in with silt. When the water is low, the fishing is very tough.

It just doesn't appeal to me that much anymore. When I get to Dauphin I might as well keep going west on 322.
Well, I have fished some really nice sections before on Clark's. I have fished it regularly got the last 7 yrs or so....but the sections I fished on Saturday (one section was downstream from App Traill) were featureless, slow, boring, and frankly sucked. I have had 20+ fish days here (bait) but these slow sections just sucked. Too many other good streams to mess with it. I'm sure ill check it out at least once this summer but for now...nope.
krayfish wrote:
Top 3 things I don't care for:

Eating ice cream with a credit card

Since the first two are among my favorite things in the world, I may have to try eating ice cream with a credit card.
PM tilt. He will walk you through it. I wish I would have thoug ht quick enough to snap a picture of it. While we're at it, add #4......driving 2 hours to catch fingerlings.
there are tons of poisonous snakes up there too!

so just to recap:

low and clear
spooky fish
no cicadas
waste of time
and poisonous fish

man I don't think I'd like fishing there
oh and BTW still LMAO about credit card spoons
TimR sez: "there are tons of poisonous snakes up there too!

so just to recap:

low and clear
spooky fish
no cicadas
waste of time
and poisonous fish

man I don't think I'd like fishing there"

How about the bears?

Back to the original question-- on the top right of the back page of the first section of the Patriot News is a report showing how many inches over or under the Dehart damn spillway the reservoir is. From this you can figure how much water is flowing down Clark's. I have never been able to find this data on the Internet though.

I like the Clark's. I've had double digit fish days as well as skunk days there.

Between the dam and where it flows under rt 225, there are a TON of small feeders. They are sometimes flowing and sometimes they are dry. The dam might release 30 cfs and a mile below the dam the flow has doubled. Three miles more and it doubles again. I was actually amazed that it was that low when I drove by it on Saturday morning. It's a beautiful place and I've had big number days there as well. Those days were in the past. The fly section has really change over the last 30 years and not for the better.

To recap:

It's a beautifl area
The fishing can be challenging
The fish are spooky even if you're in camo
The fishing isn't all that great
You may see bear, snakes or flogged by a mother turkey like I was
Enjoy your deer flies and skeeters, there's plenty of them
Quite possibly the biggest tick population I've ever encountered

It's a nice place to kill some time or find some solitude. Is it a "destination" stream? Absolutely not. Someone (not me) mentioned it was a waste of time. Not for everyone. Some people enjoy crawling on their hands and knees to catch a 6" fish. I sure don't and for me in particular, I would also deem it to be a waste of time.

I had 5 neighbors in my yard last night fly casting. Between them and my nephew, I'll end up on Clarks in the very near future. I'll go there for them but I won't enjoy it.

10x Tippet and size 24 flies till autumn now , love it , I agree with Dan and Afish no contest......where is PaulG ? Ask him.

I agree. It's awful. I think everyone should stay away and not fish it again...
