Stream Map and Location Guide

I have one of the original Higbee stream maps that I either got when I was at Penn State in the 1960’s, or shortly after, and one of the reproduced copies that I got as a gift from my son, perhaps 10 years ago.

I had heard many years back that Prof. Higbee often spent time in the summer near Penns Creek at Coburn working on his map, but the real story is apparently more involved and complex than that. Reportedly, it took him nearly 30 years to produce, often driving across the state to check things out. Then, after it was initially produced, and sold out, for many years it was thought that it was impossible to reproduce it.

There are lots of articles about this map on the internet if you search for them, but here is one: I think the story of this map is fascinating, and some of you might too.
Mine is hung on a wall and I've highlighted all the streams I fished!
I thought about doing this also. Mine is laminated but rolled up in my basement. Wife already thinks I have too many fishing related items displayed there. I may have gotten it at PSU but I don't remember for sure. Maybe Clay Bookstore?

Penn State is selling them for $14.95.

As this website explains, Professor Higbee's main project was producing a soils map of Pennsylvania.

The maps were created before computer mapping. Every line was drawn by hand.