Stream Conditions in SCPA and Cumberland Valley



Staff member
Jan 24, 2016
Was out and about today and spent some time checking on trout streams. Local ATWs are locked up frozen with barely a foot or so of open section in the main current areas. Brookie streams I saw on South Mountain are also locked. While I don't mind some ice on brookie streams, the situation right now is not fishable IMO.

CV streams are in better shape. Big Spring is fine (of course) and I'd guess so is Letort. I didn't check on Letort. Upper Breeches is also ice free and fishable. I saw multiple trout, both stocked and wild in YB when I walked it today. As you progress downstream, it gets a bit icy on pools. I did not check down around Boiling Springs.
Falling Springs is open and fishable. Lower Mountain Creek was open and fishable last week as well, although it gained ice as you moved upstream into the state forest areas.

I checked a few more local brookie streams on South Mountain and in Michaux this week - not surprisingly, they remain completely locked up and unfishable.
Forgot to point out....

These open water sections have attracted large numbers of waterfowl lately. I noticed this when I was out on both Big Spring and Falling Springs this week: ducks and geese in much larger numbers than usual (lots of herons too). This produced some muddy water in some spots and I had a hard time getting around these big flocks.

Another reason to perhaps stay home until we get a thaw.
Hopefully the waterfowl spread out after the thaw. Mergansers destroyed a couple of very good wild trout fisheries in NY the past two really cold winters we had. They congregated around the only open water (a spring creek) and devastated the formerly large population of wild brown trout that lived there. I want to say this was 2014 and 2015 and to be honest the fishing still hasn't rebounded - although I think this past season may have been an improvement.
Finally got some time to get my account fixed. Over here in the "valley" of Dry Run, the ice in spots on West Conococheague and Amberson is 8 inches thick.

Noticed the same on all streams ice free. plenty of feathered friends.

I love winter, but.....Is spring here yet?

Did you see any rising trout?
Things are much better now.

If you're planning on a trout trip to SCPA you can expect to fish more than just the limestoners. I got in about an hour today on a popular local freestoner and had a steady pick of wild trout sticking nymphs in the riffles. There were some cars in Boiling Springs at the Run and along the predictable spots on Breeches but I wouldn't call it heavy pressure, although I'd expect a lot more folks out if it wasn't a dreary day with misty rain.

The brookie streams up in Micahaux are also open now and flowing at a nice level. Be aware, however, that local dirt or forestry roads are rough and you'll be driving on packed snow and ice for at least awhile longer.

Anyway, there is decent trout fishing to be had with the heavy ice conditions from last month cleared out.
Chaz wrote:
Did you see any rising trout?

I saw some risers on my trip out last week on a beautiful, ice free stream.

Soon some reliable BWO hatches should happen for me here locally which I am ready for.
Breeches looks good as of this morning (Sunday) as does Mountain Creek - up and stained but fishable.

However, there is a tremendous amount of water on the landscape and the snow is melting slowly resulting in rising levels. I would not expect good conditions over the next couple days. Might want to wait awhile if you have a lengthly drive. Breeches will be better once it gets back down under about 350cfs.
Good to see the gage at Big Spring back up to where it should be, also all the other Limestoners are running well compared to the last 18 months or so. Hopefully this isn't just a temporary spike due to spring runoff and the local aquifer is finally being recharged....guess we'll know more come June & July.