stoneflies on the susquehanna


Dec 16, 2009
Just got off the phone with my dad. if anyone cares, lots of little black stoneflies are hatching on the sus q right now in the marietta/columbia/wrightsville stretch. No fish rising according to him. He hasn't gotten a chance to fish yet but i'd suspect some fish are feeding on the nymphs. I witnessed the hatch last year and there were lots of bugs. The birds certainly take advantage of it.
I'm not surprised to hear this. I'm seeing little stones all over, even on my house yesterday (and I don't live near a stream).

The lower Susky has great diversity of forage including mayflies, stoneflies, helgrammites, and huge numbers of crayfish and minnows. This part of the river is often described as "polluted" but the prevalence of so many insects, and stoneflies in particular, reveals that the stream is actually pretty clean.
Saw some in the York Haven to the Brunner Island warm water area last Friday. Forgot about it til just now.
I work in Enola right along the river On the warm days we have had I have seen plenty of stoneflys hatching.
Wrightsville! ....... what a wonderful place to wade with a fly rod. Used to be lots of bass and bugs from stones to whites to the huge damsons (when the big hellgramites hatch after dark.... they fly around the river like small bats) (many times at Wrightsville, they scared me to death)!
I have a hopeful feeling that things will pick up this year? '10 and '11 were enough to make you sell your fly gear!!
But sometimes nature can fix things!

Yes, and lots of what looked like brown stones downstream of there also. No fish on them.