Stocktoberfest 2011



Active member
May 17, 2009
Mark your calendars...Saturday October 16, 2011 Middle Branch White Clay Creek. [Stocked October 12th]. Not trying to steal from this weekends UD Mini Jam.....just getting the date out there. Penny and I will supply the usual donuts and OctoberFish. This year I will make sure Penny does not sit on the donut box.
fadeaway263 wrote:
Not trying to steal from this weekends UD Mini Jam.

That's been upgraded to "Macro Jam."
Would that be Saturday Oct 15 or Sunday Oct 16?


gfen wrote:
fadeaway263 wrote:
Not trying to steal from this weekends UD Mini Jam.

That's been upgraded to "Macro Jam."

Macro JAM.

You forgot the meaningless caps. Perhaps we could put it in a sunburst? Any web design experts?
gfen - you making the drive this year? or will it be a ...


(too far; didn't go)?

RickinPa wrote:
Would that be Saturday Oct 15 or Sunday Oct 16?



My Bad. October 15th...just after the stocking.
trowpa wrote:
gfen - you making the drive this year? or will it be a ...
(too far; didn't go)?

I won't lie, the opportunity to stand 20' away from the Admiral and cast over his line is mighty, but no.. I'm not driving that far for stocked fish. Ergo, its definatly too far, don't give.

And its only a JAM if you attend. You make it a capital event, JAYL!'s your opportunity to insult me in person and make fun of my being your elder.
fadeaway263 wrote:'s your opportunity to insult me in person and make fun of my being your elder.

No way, I can't stack up to you, Chief Petty Officer Awesome. I'm still honing my licks so I can open up for whatever's left of the Moddy Blues.

Also, as much as I would love to do it, I'm not driving that far, not even to make your day miserable. Sorry.
gfen wrote:
Also, as much as I would love to do it, I'm not driving that far, not even to make your day miserable. Sorry.

Ahhhheemmm. Note, last year Shakey showed up with full 3 piece suit, motorcycle and bamboo.
jdaddy wrote:
Ahhhheemmm. Note, last year Shakey showed up with full 3 piece suit, motorcycle and bamboo.

I gotta say, I would consider driving that far for that coz seriously, that's just Style.

On the other hand, I could drive that far to fish stockies, or that far to lob things into the ocean.

On the other, other hand... Shakey, and the opportunity to hassle old men, not that EnglashProf'll show up coz we're all to scary.

Are you suggesting you motivated me?

honestly, i'm not making any calls til i see what my health's like. they tell me its a 3 week turn around, but at this rate they'll probably find a chestburster inside me or something next.
Stocktoberfest sounds like fun.....I just may show up for this JAM....would be my first
I will put this on my calendar. Hopefully I don't have to punk out like last year.
i will be there to catch my bass.
October 16th is the day before my wedding anniversary. I am pretty much owned for that whole weekend. I missed this last year too. Its dissapointing because i make it out to a lot of the far away jams but the ones right around my house I never get out to.
Nicky..I made a mistake SF is the 15th. Here is last years crew!



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