Stocking foot hippers



Well-known member
Nov 2, 2006
Does anyone have any good suggestions on stocking foot hippers? My old Orvis ones are worn out and the new Orvis ones are $98!! Seems like a lot for hippers.
I'd prefer a brand that I could buy from a regular fly shop, if available, rather than a big box store.
I bought a pair of Hodgman Wadelite Breathable Stocking Foot Hip Boots last fall. I've been pretty happy with them. I don't know if this is something a flyshop would stock, but I bet they could order them.

These boots are especially nice if you need to hike in a ways and then wade.
Another vote for the Hodgman's!

Other than wet wading I use these more than anything else and I'm going on my fouth season.
Thanks for the tips about the Hodgmans. In earlier discussions about waders, several people recommended Dan Baileys (sold by Feather Hook in Coburn). I see on the web that Dan Baileys has hippers too. The Orvis, the Hodgmans and Dan Baileys all run close to $100. I guess that's the going rate.
I bought a pair of stocking foot hippers in Sept. 2001 and they are still in very good condition, they are Orvis. Cost was about $95, though I got them on an exchange because I had an older pair that leaked likea sieve.
As for my next set they will be waste high, because I'm always ending up going over my hippers unexpextedly.