Stocking a private stream?

lycoflyfisher wrote:
I believe most of pfbc is still working remote, so don't be upset if they can't forward you to a biologist. I would recommend asking that they forward your contact info to the area fisheries manager.

I've had a couple of conversations with PFBC people in the past. Sometimes they call back in the evening. Sometimes there is someone available at the moment. Always got great information and they are usually willing to spend time answering questions.

I've also had on water discussions with PFBC staff and have always had a positive experience. They don't seem to have the "attitude" that PGC people have.
lycoflyfisher wrote:
It also sounds like your neighbor is breaking rules with their dam. Dams of that nature are typically not permitted on wild trout streams. You could report the dam to Conservstion District, pfbc regional office or DEP and perhaps it will get removed and brook trout will return on their own at no cost to you.

lycoflyfisher wrote:
It also sounds like your neighbor is breaking rules with their dam. Dams of that nature are typically not permitted on wild trout streams. You could report the dam to Conservstion District, pfbc regional office or DEP and perhaps it will get removed and brook trout will return on their own at no cost to you.

The damn predates any regulations so is basically grandfathered. Although later repairs and enhancements likely violated regulations. The guy also had a lot of building code and sewage violations. He recently died and the property was sold. The new owners working to correct those issues.

I don't plan to make an issue over the dam. I don't mind a little investment on this experiment.
In that case, why not speak to the new owners about removing the dam?