Stocked Class A streams open for fishing right now



May 28, 2010
Saw on the PAFBC regional reports that catch and release fishing is now permitted during the closed season on these streams.

I called the regional law enforcement office to confirm and the lady said it was a very late change and did not make the rule book.

This is only true if the Class A waters are not stocked. Lol... Only a couple more weeks and we won't have to talk about these things anymore!
HopBack wrote:
This is only true if the Class A waters are not stocked. Lol... Only a couple more weeks and we won't have to talk about these things anymore!

At least for another 11 months, we won't. Then, someone should just cut and paste the annual thread into a new thread, or make it a sticky at the top of the forum..
So non-stocked Class A streams weren't always open to C&R fishing year round?

News to me. I've been fishing them through Mar/Apr for years...
As per the PAFBC website under Regional Reports,
Anglers reported they were doing well at the Pohopoco Creek downstream of the Beltsville Lake outlet.

Dated 3/16 2016

I will be there this weekend.
This is a beyond stupid regulation change and total muddying up of the waters...pardon the pun.

You have a Class A stream section (Section 4 of the Pohopoco Creek) that you stock for political reasons.

You list the stream section as Approved Trout at one location of the Summary & website and imply it is closed to fishing because it is Approved Trout while elsewhere you list it as Class A with all of the ambiguous verbiage about when you can & can’t fish.

HOWEVER, because it is also a STOCKED Class A section NOW it is open to C&R fishing when 99% of Class A sections of Approved Trout streams are closed right now because they are not stocked.

So does this JUST apply to all STOCKED Class A stream sections of Approved Trout Waters or ALL Class A sections of Approved Trout Waters? Where is the list of just those streams or will anglers be forced to cross reference between two lists to figure out if they can legally fish Section 4 of the Pohopoco versus Section 8 of the Monocasy for example or is that open too?

And what about stocked Class B, C, D sections?

Are these regulations going to be made into a sign and posted at those sections so anglers have a clue as to what is going on? Jeez what a sign that will be:

"Approved Trout With Harvest Sometimes/No Harvest From March 1/Class A".

Who the heck is going to know those regs and follow them to the letter of the law?

To be honest, I think the PFBC should just put all of the stocked Class A’s into the Approved Trout Open Year Round category & take them off the external Class A list so there is at least a little consistency in the regs.
Great points, kinda mind boggling though, huh?

Like I originally posted, the nice lady at the regional office said it was a late change and did not make the regs books.

Why not wait til Jan 1 2017 to implement the changes?
It may be as simple as Section 4 being designated as some type of Special Reg area. However if it is a change to the way they treat Class A sections of Approved Trout streams, stocked or not during the Closed Period...

...the have opened up a HUGE can of worms and added another 643 pages to the annual March 1st "Can I Fish Creek X Now" PAFF thread.
here As long as you catch and release in these sections you should be fine. Just remember though just because a stream is listed as class A does not mean that you are allowed to fish all sections of that stream. have fun!
Why offer the Class A list as a one stop shopping list of places you can theoretically fish when there are at least 200 or more Class A stream sections on the Class A list you CAN'T fish right now whether you catch and release or not.

If only it were that easy...
Bamboozle, You're allowed to fish all class a stream sections right now. I don't know where you are getting that you can't. This has been discussed on here a thousand times...

I don't know where you are getting this 200 number from but you are misinformed.

Call the PFBC SE Regional Law Enforcement office ((717) 626-0228) and ask them if you can legally fish Sections 1 & 2 of the Perkiomen Creek and Section 1 of Hay Creek in Berks, Sections 3 & 4 of the Little Lehigh in Lehigh County, Sections 8 & 9 of the Monocasy Creek, Sections 1 & 4 of Martins Creek and Section 4 of the Bushkill Creek in Northampton County for a start.

(BTW that small sampling is 10 Class A sections)

In other words ask them if you can fish the Perkiomen or Hay in Berks, the Little Lehigh in Lehigh or the Monocasy, Martins, or the Bushkill in Northampton ANYWHERE other than the Special Reg sections on the Monocasy & Little Lehigh.

But don't believe me, call and ask for yourself and get back to me.

If they confirm that they are closed, I'll point you to where THIS has been discussed 1000 times and explain why.

Call, seriously! (717) 626-0228
Yes, Unstocked Class A's are open to fishing, but now even stocked Class A's, at leat the Po is open for C&R fishing:

From the PFBC site:

Class A trout streams such as the Pohopoco Creek are open to fishing year round, with no harvest of trout beginning the day after Labor Day through the Regular Opening Day of trout season the year following year.
Don't have to call on these. Already called and confirmed stocked class a waters are open all year round. Seasons, sizes and creel limits still apply, so C&R right now.
But don't believe me, call and ask for yourself and get back to me.

If they confirm that they are closed, I'll point you to where THIS has been discussed 1000 times and explain why.

Call, seriously! (717) 626-0228

I like how in another thread, these people are so stupid that you have to explain the rules to them, but here they're the reference point...
To be fair it is confusing, because the rule previously was that you could not fish any section of a stream that was class A if there was a stocked section on that stream, now it is different. The regs are a little confusing. This is a nice new change however.
Fished the Po today. Most people I have seen there since the first day. Inconsiderate fishermen as well. I definitely do not miss seeing the bait guys all over the place. Hopefully they will be gone soon. My buddy landed a 25inch Bow that I taped. Ugly F'er.
How do you guys see this rule being applied to a stream that is class A in its headwaters (5 miles or so) but then turns into regular stocked APT in its lower section?
Only the class A sections are open. Don't fish the stocked sections unless they overlap. That's how I'm understanding it.
Gotcha... That's been my take on it as well. Appreciate your response and confirmation!