
Well no one else weighed in but I think having them on different weekends is a good idea. Folly's got back to me and that weekend works for them. So we'll do Nov 16-18th. I'll put up a post later detailing the event. Hope a lot of you guys join us this year. It's been a great event, 4 years running!

(yes there will be donuts)
Hoping I can make it again... Always a good time.

Ps I was , of course, kidding about the steelhead being in the stream!
David wrote:
Ps I was , of course, kidding about the steelhead being in the stream!

*message sent from David's Iphone at Location "Elk Creek".
You guys are killing me. :lol:

But why are you making it so late. Sure that is prime time for steelhead, but the later you go, the more you increase the chances of weather suckage.

It doesn't matter to me. I'm just asking.
I think October and Early November can still be warm and have little rain. Mid November is prime for more rainfall and lower temps, which equals better steelhead fishing. We have historically had this event on the 2nd weekend in November, so it's not too far off of the regular dates of the event.
I'll be there. Good time last year. I met and fished with CSoult and McFinn and got to enjoy a campfire with Bikerfish, not to mention the sanctioned meet-ups at the pavilion and Avonia Tavern.
Mabee have it when the REAL Steelheaders are out in January.. ;-)
bingsbaits wrote:
Mabee have it when the REAL Steelheaders are out in January.. ;-)

Shut it's bad enough we have to share the stream with each other on those days ;-)
Just a little teaser for you guys...


  • Orams.JPG
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late october would be a good time in the salt, might hook up with some albies on the beach....
ryguyfi wrote:
Well no one else weighed in but I think having them on different weekends is a good idea. Folly's got back to me and that weekend works for them. So we'll do Nov 16-18th. I'll put up a post later detailing the event. Hope a lot of you guys join us this year. It's been a great event, 4 years running!

(yes there will be donuts)

I like these dates. I'm in.
There just might be some info in the events forum.........
I might have to make it this year. It would be cool to put a face to the screen names.
Becareful what you wish for. :lol: ;-) 😎 GG
Easy there you guys havent met me yet either....
There's an informative post on the Steelhead JAM in the events forum. Put a post on there if you're interested/planning on coming.

Can't wait!
There's a few reports of people catching steel while trolling for walleye recently. They'll be staging before we know it!
Elk and Walnut are trickles and **** warm, so it'll be a while.

But I do look forward to the jam.

I'm new to the sport, and have gotten a lot out of this forum this summer.

Look forward to seeing the real human beings here tho fall at Folly's.