Steelhead question II



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
I made a trip to Erie--Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning this week. Monday it was still pretty windy so I really did'nt even think of fishing the lake.

Tuesday morning I was tired of the crowds after short time and went about try to find a least a little more solitude. The winds were down as were the waves so I fished the lake from the shore for a while. No luck but did'nt fish very long or really that determined either. Did manage to scout out some spots though.

Anyways- My question is does anybody have tips for fishing the lake?

Leaders,tactics,flies etc....

Thanks Paul.
No replies- no wonder this is no one fishing the lakeshore- hah.

Here is a video with some tips for fly fishing from the shore- short ad before 3 minute video.

I've never caught a steelhead, and I've never fished from the banks of one of the great lakes. That said, I have caught some rather large king salmon in still water in the Estuary of the salmon river. This area is essentially a large pond a few hundred feet upstream of the mouth. A series of braided channels come together to form what is essentially a bay.

I have caught fish there by quickly stripping streamers, buggers, and wooly worms on a sink tip line, much like we were doing at the delaware. I have found that fighting the fish is WAY harder in such a wide open area. I was damn near positive that I was going to get spooled.

It's fun. Here's to hoping someone has some tips for you when it comes to Erie steel.
I have not fished the lake for steel, but I've seen the guys at the mouth of Trout Run doing it. My impression is that steelhead fishing is more productive at or near the mouths of the tributaries which kind of takes away from the solitude thing.

I did see a TV show a couple weeks ago where they were sight fishing for carp with flyrods along the Ohio shore of Lake Erie. These guys were having a ball and they had a whole shallow bay to themselves.