when you go, dont pack a lunch one day -- rather go to Tudor's Hook n Nook on rt 5 in Lake City ( the BP station. ) The owner is a great guy - a small business owner who is working hard to have a nice business. His lunch sandwiches are absolutely great. His wife makes all of them by hand, the meat ball and sausage sandwiches are wonderful --- you'll only be able to eat half and take half for later. The owner will tell you he buys all his meats local. he's very proud of his business and runs a very nice shop. he also has a nice fishing shop with local flies, gear etc. i think you'll really enjoy your lunch there! ( he serves food from 11am till 2 or 3pm )
not alot of water up there --- Uncle John's web cams look real loooow. but theres nothing like getting out, Elk will be fun --- plenty of room to get away from any crowds. Leaves look like they are mostly down and off the water. you might need some lite or flouro tippets and small bead heads.