Starting an Organization



New member
Apr 8, 2014
My buddy and I are students at Millersville University. We grew up together and went to high school together. In high school we started a fly fishing club at our school. Neither of us knew much about fly fishing; however, as the club grew the lessons and skills we learned have been priceless. I have become addicted to fly fishing. As we graduated and left town, unfortunately the club has died out. Now we are trying to do the same thing at Millersville. Is there anybody on here who has gone down a similar path and have any advice for an aspiring club? Any organizations around the Lancaster and south central area that would be worth a contact?

I would start with Donegal TU locally to see if they may have someone interested in getting involved. Also, I'm pretty sure Bucknell has a fly fishing club. Maybe you could look into that and make contact with someone there who could offer some advice.

Many universities have flyfishing clubs, just like other student clubs & organizations. They have one at Penn State for example. Check with the university and see what the process is.

It would be very helpful if you can find someone in the faculty who is an avid flyfisher to act as your faculty adviser for the club.

Check with TU about starting a 5 rivers club through them we recently started one at our college, Frostburg State . If you want more info pm me and I can get you in touch with our president who got our club of the ground. TU has been every helpful and there are many colleges that have started 5 rivers clubs and work together with each other.
^ this.
Tucker733 wrote:
Check with TU about starting a 5 rivers club through them we recently started one at our college, Frostburg State . If you want more info pm me and I can get you in touch with our president who got our club of the ground. TU has been every helpful and there are many colleges that have started 5 rivers clubs and work together with each other.

Here's a link for that:

Go through your school...they typically have some sort of process to organize clubs.
^that, and the earlier ^this too... oh, and troubert.
Thanks for the replies. We are already looking into the Donegal TU chapter and have made contact with their president. I had no idea about the 5 rivers program but its great stuff.
Donegal Fish Conservation Association is looking for volunteers to do water testing along donegal creek. We have the equipment we just need volunteers to regularly test the water at 4 separate locations. I am trying to work with HACC lancaster's environmental science club to get volenteers also. Shoot me a PM