Starting a fly box for a friend



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Malden, WV
Recently I sold an old rod and reel to a friend of mine who would like to take up fly fishing. So far he's just been bumming flies off me as I show him around the local streams.

In November we're going up to NCPA (Pine Creek area) for a day to fish, and I'd like to have a bunch of flies tied for him to use on this trip. I'm thinking of standard stimulators for dries (Royal Wulffs, Adams, and EHC, stuff that produces consistently on freestone streams, size 14/16/18) and your basic nymphs (Prince, HE, PT), same sizes.

Of course I'll throw in some black and olive buggers. Anything else you guys can think of? I'm not the best tier by ANY stretch of the imagination, but I can do the basics. I forget what usually produces for me up in that area of the state that time of year (Vet.'s Day weekend...this is a good reason why I should keep a notebook, by the way!)

Thanks for the tips.

Would you like me to tie you some CDC and Elks? Dzn? My treat.
In November up there I wouldn't count on too much surface activity. Stoneflies, hares ears, Pheasant tails, and Prince nymphs, wolly buggers I think would be the way to go.
Shane that'd be great! Thanks a lot!

Yeah I don't expect a lot of surface activity, just threw the dries in so he'd have something to get him going come warmer weather.
egg patterns, green weenies, SJW's.

Yeah I said it!
Yes on the SJW and Green Weenies. I don't have the junk to tie eggs. We'll just have to buy those ;-)

Does Pine stock Bows in the Fall?
How about some Zebra Midges?
squirrle nymphs bro, and maybe some hoppers and beatles if your looking for more dry ideas
Here's a blog post I made on here for some tips on tying eggs. They're really not that hard if you get the right technique down.
I checked, the Pine is stocked in Oct. w/ browns and bows, so I definitely want some eggs for my friend. Thanks for the tips, everyone. I'm excited to get going on this. I haven't really spent much time tying in the past few years.
If you want, I will tie a dozen of Jeff Blood's Blood Dot egg pattern flies. Just let me know. I like these better than the traditional glo bug patterns. To see the flies, go to the Rise Form Studio web site . They have a video of the fly.
That'd be great JMP! Let me know how much you want for them!

My #1 go to fly when I guided up here in the fall was a size 10-12 gold bead head wooly bugger. Tie it with brown hackle, tail & body. The only thing different is to pull across the top of the body a piece of orange chenille, then wrap you hackle over it. Dead drift it like a nymph then work it back. On top a size 10-12 stmiulator can't be beat. All you need are these 2 flies & a size 14 BHPT & a SIZE 14 EHC in tan.

No charge, I will be glad to help a beginner. Just let me know where to send them.
By the way, thanks for all your help, everyone. I've recieved several PMs w/ offers of donations to help my friend. I wasn't looking for donations, so this is quite unexpected! I wish I had the skills in tying to offer something in return, but my friend will greatly appreciate the generocity of this board. This fly box is turning into something more than I ever planned!
Thanks again
id toss a few zonkers in there too and a clouser or 2 maybe even an egg or 2
Id put in a few micky finns in the smaller sizes and some black and yellows also smaller its always good to have a few flies that you can forget about and still have a chance at fish
Yes I agree. I have to to start thinking streamers.

Midges were a great idea too. I don't want to give him anything TERRIBLY small, but I can whip up some size 18/20 cream midges. Brookies love them.

I like the orange striped bugger pattern also. I like anything w/ orange.
I would have to agree the topwater action is going to be iffy.
But you looking to get your buddy stocked up for other seasons with good freestone/brookie flies, I would suggest the Usual.
I used the same flies for a couple days in a row while I was up in that area. Easy tie and very durable. They're visible as well but I've added a lil white in the wing so they're even easier to see...

Sent you an email for an address to send the blood dot flies.
Thank you