Start-Up Fly Tying Materials Needed?

Thanks for the insight guys, I'm gonna try to do a deal with the Middletown guy
Wow what a great response to the question!
It was really nice of you to provide such a nice beginner materials list.
There are some great people on this board who are focused on helping others.
Thanks for taking the time.
one of our guys:,39513.html
About 5 months ago, I posted an offer to give stuff away. I have been tying for about 15 years and had accumulated enough stuff, including duplicates of whole bags, that I could never use in two lifetimes. So I put an offer out. I didn't get many requests.

Perhaps some others who are starting up would be interesting in cooping with you? You would be much better off for example with 4 packages 1/4 full, than 1 package of dubbing.
I'm curious to know what tcat settled on.
tcatmeow,i see you live in philly. come meet me at some point.i might have a few extra materials.

everyone here knows me,so,you're safe 🙂

what i would suggest otherwise,is to go down to the sporting gentleman fly shop,tell them the fly you use the most,and have them sell you the material to that fly.

also,sporting gentleman's thread is great,and cheap!
you only really need a spool of white,a spool of black,and maybe a tan