Standing Ovation



Active member
Jun 5, 2012
Funny thing happened to me fishing the Yellow Breeches at Messiah College. While rigging up in the parking lot I noticed several people walking towards the stream with lawn chairs in tow. I headed upstream and fished downstream towards the covered bridge. I glanced over my shoulder and noticed about 40-50 people now assembled along the bank nearly directly behind me. Just then I hook into a lively 14 inch rainbow that jumps a good 2 feet in the air and the whole crowd applauds enthusiastically. I turned around to give them a smile and a thumbs up and noticed that a new church member had just been baptized.
That is a good story.
They say the key to comedy is timing. ;)
Wait, so you hooked the person who was being baptized!!!?
That is seriously funny. I didn't see where this was going until the end of your story. So did you catch yourself before giving the thumbs up? Because I hope not.
Neat story for sure!

Never saw it. But I heard that people have been baptized in the little j at green hills campground - which is affiliated with a church.

There's a section of the WB Delaware river that borders a methodist camp. And apparently they used to baptize people in the river there.
And some of the locals still refer to that section as the Jesus hole
That is a great story! Knowing my personality/ego I would be thinking "Wow, they must really think I am something". That would of surely humbled me!
There's a section of the WB Delaware river that borders a methodist camp. And apparently they used to baptize people in the river there.

I can clearly remember when I first bought my cabin in July of 1996 that full immersion baptisms were being held in the river in front of the Methodist Pool.