I am tired of losing access to streams throughout our state. I am tired of elite clubs reinforcing the "hooty-tooty" image of fly fishing and the perceived snobbery that many view the hobby with. I would like fly fishing, and trout fishing in general, to appeal to the common man, and I wish we were all championing people getting into it and not limiting access to waters. (Many of us do champion the sport and help people get into it. I was referring to the greater society of fly fishermen.) Don't get me wrong! Trout fishing does appeal to the common man - for about 3 weeks, and then they quite chasing the stockies. But the continued loss of good wild trout streams has to stop.
There are a myriad of reasons why we continue to lose access, and all of those reasons are bad. I see more and more posted signs all of the time. I have been lucky enough to forge good relationships with certain landowners that have kept certain waters open to me. The conundrum of the whole thing is this: I support and fully agree with landowner rights to limit who accesses what on their land, but I wish that we, as a society, had more of those old-timey views. I wish we weren't so eager to alienate others from what we have. I wish we all treated each other a little more kindly and that it was reciprocated from all angles.
Okay, my rant is over, but dang, I HATE LOSING ACCESS to good water. What is happening on Spruce and what was attempted almost 20 years ago on the Little J is bound to get more common, not less common.