Spring steelhead

Lots of high water!


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Was supposed to float Lehigh tomorrow. Instead of packing lunch, we pack body bags at this flow. I'll do some work around the house instead. For everything my buddy has a house just below stilesville that has a concrete wall below his deck. The water is typically below the base of the wall with about a one foot strip of grass exposed even at 1500 release. He sent me a text this afternoon that the water level is 4 ft up his wall. That is still before the big surge of water flowing into the lake kiss the dam and starts to spill uncontrollably.

12,000 at Harvard has to be scary looking. Thinking these babies will spill for quite a while. I did long eddy to tower when Lordville was around 7000. Second riff below the launch had 5'-6' rollers. That was a white knucklehead ride. The boat in front of us would disappear due to size of waves. The boat in front of us also hooked up up on a nymph in the rollers. He almost lost his fly line. Zero chance of landing it 🤣
wbranch, I live in NE Ohio, but unfortunately, I can't leave the house for extended periods. Wife is not well.

I was in Ashtabula on Thursday, and I think the streams were in decent shape. However, it did rain some over the weekend. The rain that falls here flows south and I didn't get a whole lot, but they likely got a fair amount more to the north in the Lake Erie tribs.