Spring steelhead



Well-known member
May 26, 2009
My lifelong fishing partner recently got married and moved to Albany and won't be steelhead fishing with me anymore.

I'm wondering if any Forum member would be interested in steelhead fishing in Ohio for fresh fish and drop backs April 11, 12, 13. Share driving (my car) split expenses on gas & motel. The Ohio license is good for one year from the day it is purchased. It is available on line for about $60. Anyone interested send me a message. I have fished NE Ohio for ten years.
Sorry to hear your buddy won't join you. I made sure my wife knew I would be taking MANY fishing trips before I agreed to marry her. Now she begs me to get out of the house!

I cannot join you since I will be on the WB for 3 days prior to these dates, but I hope you find someone to fish with.

Meet him at the Salmon River.
Guess love > fishing
Sorry to hear your buddy won't join you. I made sure my wife knew I would be taking MANY fishing trips before I agreed to marry her. Now she begs me to get out of the house!

I cannot join you since I will be on the WB for 3 days prior to these dates, but I hope you find someone to fish with.

Meet him at the Salmon River.
Tighten your chin strap! Spilling pretty strong right now and this rain will keep it spewing for at least another week. FWIW, my buddy called me Saturday. He's got a house on the upper west and the water was covered with alewives. No fish blowing up on the surface but you can bet somebody was taking full advantage of that subsurface
WBranch, I wish I could meet up with you on the Grand or some such stream. I fished the PA side a couple weeks ago and there were a lot of fish in the system. I've always wanted to swing up Spring run Manistee's but I'm tied up. I hope you make it and report back here. Good luck!
Sorry to hear your buddy won't join you. I made sure my wife knew I would be taking MANY fishing trips before I agreed to marry her. Now she begs me to get out of the house!

I cannot join you since I will be on the WB for 3 days prior to these dates, but I hope you find someone to fish with.

Meet him at the Salmon River.
I prefer not to fish the SR. I don't like the frequent territorial disputes and guides pushing you out or the prime water.
Tighten your chin strap! Spilling pretty strong right now and this rain will keep it spewing for at least another week. FWIW, my buddy called me Saturday. He's got a house on the upper west and the water was covered with alewives. No fish blowing up on the surface but you can bet somebody was taking full advantage of that subsurface
Too much water for my liking to float the WB at 2640 CFS or the main at 6800 cfs. Unsafe to anchor in flows that heavy. Not saying some won't guys float it just not something I care to do.
We did the WB when Hale gauge was 5700 cfs. Yeah, it was a little sketchy 😁. It was also some of the best dry fly fishing I can remember up there. The river had dropped from nearly 7k a day prior so we jumped in

We did the WB when Hale gauge was 5700 cfs. Yeah, it was a little sketchy 😁. It was also some of the best dry fly fishing I can remember up there. The river had dropped from nearly 7k a day prior so we jumped in

Like I said some will walk the wild side and some will use restraint.
I never claimed to be smart 😂
The flight has quadrupled. If it continues to spike, it will be tough to make it happen. Should have bought in December for $430 ☹️
The flight has quadrupled. If it continues to spike, it will be tough to make it happen. Should have bought in December for $430 ☹️
Last year, went to Bozeman and stayed with a friend who lives out there. Paid for the trip with the change in my coin jar.
The flight has quadrupled. If it continues to spike, it will be tough to make it happen. Should have bought in December for $430 ☹️

Yes, or used credit card points like I did. My car was $1150. Thank goodness I didn't have to pay for the flight.
Last year, went to Bozeman and stayed with a friend who lives out there. Paid for the trip with the change in my coin jar.
I booked stuff last March, I think, before we started coming out of the pandemic recession.
Paid for the trip with the change in my coin jar.

Wow, that must be a very big coin jar unless you were filling it with silver eagles.

I’ve been to OH twice. The fishing was poor both days. Reports from friends who fished different days are no better. I don’t think the main run is there yet. I caught 2 chrome fish on March 16 and the other 6 fish I saw were chrome. Got none last Saturday and only 1 caught on entire stretch. I packed for overnight trips both times but headed home rather than stay. I have not seen any fish spawning yet. The string of warm days next week may help.

Good luck!!
West Branch is over 8,000 cfs at the moment and rising. Flooding throughout the area. I'd go for the steelhead.
West Branch is over 8,000 cfs at the moment and rising. Flooding throughout the area. I'd go for the steelhead.
I saw that. Major rain. Likely flooding on upper and lower EB. Harvard was 12,000 and Fishs Eddy was 30,000 at one time today. Lordville on the main stem is 37,000 cfs right now. Yikes. Leaving Monday for chrome.
I saw that. Major rain. Likely flooding on upper and lower EB. Harvard was 12,000 and Fishs Eddy was 30,000 at one time today. Lordville on the main stem is 37,000 cfs right now. Yikes. Leaving Monday for chrome.
Fishes Eddy at 30,000 cfs is damn scary.
I’ll fish it around 1000 cfs.

Good luck with the chrome!