spring creek tips

Hey Stag...com'on down. You can hang out with Jack and tip a few with him. That would be a great way to raise funds for a FFing charity....I'd sure pay money to see (and hear) that! :roll:
afish wrote:

Hey Stag...com'on down. You can hang out with Jack and tip a few with him. That would be a great way to raise funds for a FFing charity....I'd sure pay money to see (and hear) that!

Afish ...

I will say when the Englishprof met me in '12 he was 'surprised' he ended up liking me ... I'll kick a few back with Jack or anyone and you won't have to pay ur fair share .. Just the way Jack likes it ;-)
Stagger_Lee wrote:
afish wrote:

Hey Stag...com'on down. You can hang out with Jack and tip a few with him. That would be a great way to raise funds for a FFing charity....I'd sure pay money to see (and hear) that!

Afish ...

I will say when the Englishprof met me in '12 he was 'surprised' he ended up liking me ... I'll kick a few back with Jack or anyone and you won't have to pay ur fair share .. Just the way Jack likes it ;-)

Political (same for religious) views are one thing and fish'in is a whole nuther thing. In other words, one thing has nothing at all to do with another, in my mind anyway. That's really one of the great things I like about fishin'; people with very diverse backgrounds can get together to enjoy a common [d]interest[/d] passion.

You can be a high-falutin lawyer or a cashier at Wendys, and still get skunked. The point is that your "station of life" means nothing to the fish. Also, skunked or not, you love every minute of the time spent on the stream.

Anyway, you should try to make it to the Jam.
had a great time down there and learned a few things. Here are some pictures.


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Thanks, any more info about how the day went? Inquiring minds want to know!

For the stocky vs. wild debates, the last fish there (last 2 pics), I believe that to be an example of a wild fish without any red on it's body or adipose fin. Or it could be a hatchery fish which has developed the blue eye spot. I'm not sure myself, but lean wild as I consider the eyespot and spot pattern/shape to be the stronger indicators and they say wild. Anyway you look at it, it bucks some of the traditional wild/stocked markers. Good pic too.