Spring Creek Strategies by Mike Heck

My bad-but it is was very funny. I too had that happen to me once, twice maybe a few more times. I'm sure we all have had it happen.

It was cool to put some faces to our names here on the site when visiting the Somerset show.


Great to hear Fisher is doing well and Cancer free. Scott and I will have to hit you up this summer for a day or 2 on the Falling Spring. Take care.

Thanks much. As you know it was a hard year. Now the boy is wearing us out! Just great to have him back. Saturday will be his first day out of the house without a mask since April of last year. He wants to go to Bob Evans so that is where we will be before the heavy crowds get there.

Tell Scott I said, Hi and hopefuly see you this year again.

Got my copy, now I need time to read it
I saw Mike's book getting reviewed/recommended in American Angler. That should be a nice boost for sales. Congratulations and good luck!
Didn't even finish reading it and it paid for itself, tied some of Mike's sulphur nymphs up and had a good evening fish with them. Money well spent, it's a keeper .

Tie yourself some of the simple shrimp... I killed them on big spring with that one over the weekend. Thanks, Mike!
Thanks, Worked on that pattern back in 1985. Been a good one for me all over the states that have scuds in the streams. A killer on the Bighorn.


Im so glad to hear that your Son is cancer free, I had heard that he was battling cancer but never heard the results. Five years ago my Granddaughter past away from cancer, I know it's a horrible thing to have go through.

Im so glad to hear that Fisher won his battle!

I received this book today in the mail and I'm already halfway done with it. But I have a feeling I'll be reading it over and over again throughout next season.

I'm also tying the simple shrimp pattern as we speak.

Thank you, Mike, for such a great book!
Glad you like it. I enjoyed working on it and loooking forward to start another. Found out that close to selling out the first edition.
Tear them up on the shrimp.
Glad you like it. I enjoyed working on it and loooking forward to start another. Found out that close to selling out the first edition.
Tear them up on the shrimp.
I believe you stated you had approval/funding/contract/whatever for a new book. What subject matter do you have in mind?
I took my publisher out fishing a few weeks back. Jay has several ideas for me and some of his other authors. As for me, it is a go on any good idea. I may be working on a fly pattern/how to fish them. Something way off my first book.

I really like your patterns in Spring Creek Strategies, so I would love that book. Too many recipes have flies that are too "perfect." I like your patterns because they're rather simple and look very "buggy." You hooked me, so whatever your next book is, I'm definitely picking it up ASAP.

That's actually what I have a problem with most since I started tying is with all the different ways to tie a BWO, but not knowing which ones to use in certain situations. Were you considering your next book to be a more expanded version of the Mayfly/Caddis/Stonefly/etc chapters in your book?
We are going to be going over some different ideas soon. Jay is very smart and I know we caan nail down another great informative book.
I've been focusing on chasing the elusive, possible extinct whitetail. I did seen nine of them yesturday. So there are a few out there. Beautiful day to be out.

I hope I am not out of line in suggesting that maybe you make a post on what anglers may want/need that is not being covered today. At a minimum you may obtain some good ideas to pass to the publisher for other projects.
Certianly not way out of line. It is a great idea, but don't want to step out of bounds on this site. I love this site and enjoy meeting you all as well as fishing with ya. Ii do hope to make a "Jam" this year.
I have so many ideas from the information I have gathered just from talking with anglers and reading some of the content here. Know we will knock another good book out. I love reaading and have a nice selection of books. There are many good ones out there and still after all these years some topics not touched on yet.
Whomever you got to do your photographs in Spring Creek needs to do them again in this one.

Simply fantastic. I don't know where it was taken, but I believe its in the trico section.. You're in the stream, in what appears to be a park with a bench next to a little bridge.

Man, that's a great picture.
firandfeather wrote:
Certianly not way out of line. It is a great idea, but don't want to step out of bounds on this site. I love this site and enjoy meeting you all as well as fishing with ya. Ii do hope to make a "Jam" this year.
I have so many ideas from the information I have gathered just from talking with anglers and reading some of the content here. Know we will knock another good book out. I love reaading and have a nice selection of books. There are many good ones out there and still after all these years some topics not touched on yet.

I call dibs on fishing with Mike at the Jam! In!