Spring Creek Lands Update



Well-known member
Nov 2, 2006
If you fish Spring Creek, please check the sticky thread about Spring Creek for the latest updates. One of our sources in Harrisburg says this could be "the big one."
Looks like the Rockview property along Spring is safe. It is being purchased by PSU for $1M, with guaranteed access by hunters, fisherman and hikers for perpetuity. Also, PSU cannot spray sewer effluent or use fertilizers on the land.

Perpetuity is long enough for me. Good news for all.

Spring Creek Purchase
Just a reminder about the upcoming meeting about the future of Rockview lands which include Spring Creek Canyon and the adjacent lands, this Wed., July 30 at 7 pm.

I put more details about it under the Spring Creek stickie message.

If you live near the area, and can make the meeting, please try to attend.