Spring Creek Forest/elk counties



Dec 6, 2010
I have been following the Iron Furnace TU website gauges and have a question. Does anyone know why Spring Creeks gauge has had a Ph reading in the mid-3's for over the past month? Is it a faulty gauge? I've contacted a few locals and have got no real answers. If the gauge is correct, are the trout not long gone? Can trout survive in water that acidic?
i would guess a frozen gauge.

Me too. This is the most acidic time of year. But 3 is really low, and if it's been stuck there, that says something, cause reality is that pH jumps all over the map at this time of year.

Also noteworth is that the Bat test comes in between Tionesta and Salmon Creeks. That tends to scale with pH I think, so it would indicate the actual is probably between the pH of those waters as well.
azjackstraw wrote:
I have been following the Iron Furnace TU website gauges and have a question. Does anyone know why Spring Creeks gauge has had a Ph reading in the mid-3's for over the past month? Is it a faulty gauge? I've contacted a few locals and have got no real answers. If the gauge is correct, are the trout not long gone? Can trout survive in water that acidic?

I checked the site and the current ph reading is listed at 3.8.

Very acidic, but I believe it is just within the tolerance level of brook trout.

Most likely the gauge is off or the person(s) assigned to manually test the ph thinks it too gawl dang cold and snowy to go out there and mess around in the water.

I suggest you contact the TU Chapter and find out.
I checked the website and it says pH 3.28. It also said exactly 3.28 this morning. So, faulty gauge, faulty other technology.

We had a big discussion about Spring Creek last year, and at that time, on 2/16/13 the same website reported pH 6.86. That I believe, but pH 3.28 I don't believe.
Froze and can't get to it. Once the weather breaks it will be looked at and recalibrated.

Mark Hanes IFTU President.
Its great seeing guys are following the gauges.
Thanks a bunch Mark! Thats what I was hoping.