Spring Creek BWO's?



Dec 22, 2010
Thinking about making the drive to state college tomorrow. Looks like Spring is coming down to a nice level this weekend. Any bwo reports? They should be popping soon.
According to TCO fly shop stream reports, they've started hatching.
#18 Pheasant tail nymphs are the hot ticket.
They were on bwo’s this afternoon after things warmed a bit

How did you make out?
I never made it.. had some things come up at home. Maybe this weekend!
The were on again yesterday, even in snow squalls.
Nymph-wristed wrote:
The were on again yesterday, even in snow squalls.

Cool! One of my best BWO experiences I ever had was on a cloudy, blustery day in and out of fairly heavy snow squalls. They just couldn't seem to ever actually get off of the water.
Went yesterday and it was great. Steady bwo action all day. To my surprise, i saw many of the flies were in the 14-16 size range as opposed to the 18-22 range that I'm used to. When it comes to dry flies, bigger is better for my eyes, lol.
I too saw the same thing on Sunday. The bugs, BWOs, were bigger than I was expecting. I would agree about a 14-16. I picked up a few fish on top and few under as well.