Spotted Lantern Fly in Eastern PA and NJ



Apr 6, 2011
I have seen the Spotted Lantern Fly for a few years now in the Lehigh Valley and am hearing reports of trout gorging on them in some streams.

Anyone know of a good pattern? Was thinking of an adapted yellow sallie using red or some kind of foam frankenfly.
baileyoconnell wrote:
I have seen the Spotted Lantern Fly for a few years now in the Lehigh Valley and am hearing reports of trout gorging on them in some streams.

Anyone know of a good pattern? Was thinking of an adapted yellow sallie using red or some kind of foam frankenfly.

Baron from this site posted that he uses a large Royal Coachman dry. I would give that a try and see what happens. Good luck.
Yes indeed however my target is panfish, rock bass and bass. They sure look like something a trout would like.
I remember seeing tons of unmolested Lantern Flies on Hopewell Lake a year back.

I've experienced the same thing with tent caterpillars so obviously not every bug must be delicious to a fish.

I'm sure fish may try them but it seems like the SLF are destined to become the next whirligig beetle or water strider...
if trout do indeed target them, i imagine any royal would do , whether Wulff,Trude,coachman etc. or a biblio with a red hotspot.
Wulff's are a family I been trying to get to know for Late summer Panfish/Bass in weedy holes.

I'm ashamed to say it but for years I've liked them as a decorative pieces. I've only known what to call them for less than a year. Same for Coachmen and McGinty. They just look Artsie and Authoritative.
Took my wife and a daughter for a drive today which included quick looks at Scotts Run, Hopewell and Struble lake. We may have gotten milkshakes at Just Moms as well. While taking a peek at Scotts Run with my daughter I saw two SLF's near shore. I mentioned that they would be immediately eaten on Chambers and soon there after a medium sized gill appeared and gobbled one. Gills definitely like them.
I started tying and fishing Spotted Lanternfly patterns last year. I find them to be a useful addition to my terrestrial box.
I spent the day on Octorora Reservoir yesterday and saw LOTS of Spotted Lanternfly alive and dead on the water, especially along the banks where I was catching plenty of fish.

I didn't see a single SLF taken by a fish which mirrors my experience elsewhere.

I have a feeling the fish that take them, never take them a second time...
My wife has some business at a strip mall at 422 and S 16th St just east of Lebanon and she said they were all over the parking lot and in the trees on both sides of the Quittapahilla Creek. I have not seen any on my property southwest of Lebanon near Rocherty.