sportkng bamboo ?



Well-known member
Oct 7, 2007
in an effort to get a junky rod to learn some repair techniques ,i ebayed up a rod .less than $32 with shippng.i expected crap.isn't sport king the modern walmart sub-trash equipment?

turns out when i opened up the excellent packaging i pulled out an unused vintage split cane 9ft 3/2.both tips full length,or if one is slightly short i can't tell.

venetan red wraps,with a red diamond label that reads "sport king M/31.the hook keeper is a ring that lies flat until used.

this rod doesn't even have finger prints on it.weird.nice wraps.

i know it was originally a cheap rod with plastic reel seat.down locking.

haven't even lawn cast it yet,but it seems promissing.looks to be a better made rod than similar era south bend and shakespeares.

any body ever hear of a "sportking?"

Sounds like you got a pretty good deal. I am not familiar with the that brand but I will bit it will be a fine fishable rod. If you want some details post your info on this site:
There are some good guys with lots of baboo knowledge....
Welcome to the darkside....

Bill A
ok,not a hot topic.BUT thought i'd report this rod is ok with five,but a cannon with six weight.not nearly as heavy and unbalanced as my shakespeare of the same size.very nice and fishable.