South Platte River, Colorado Springs, Co.



Active member
Jun 19, 2010
I just returned from a week visit to Colorado Springs Co. My son is a freshman at the United States Air Force Academy. We could not see him until last Friday. I had made plans earlier to flyfish for the two days prior to our visit with a friend who lives there. We fished 11 mile canyon the first day. The air temps were cool in the low 50's but once the sun came out it warmed up considerably. By noon it was in the low 80's. The flies of choice included size 20 black zebra midges, ants, beetles, grasshoppers and of course the old reliable green weenie. I caught my very first Colorado trout ever on a size 16 green weenie. Then in just a short time I caught another. Both browns in 12 to 14 inch range. My friend Cody was amazed that the green weenie worked there. These are tailwater trout and are pretty selective. I also caught several 15-16 inch class rainbows and cut-bows on small zebra midges and size 14 foam black beetles. The trout of the day ended up being a 20 inch class rainbow I caught on a size 16 sinking black ant. I also lost a brown in the 22-24 inch range. He took a size 10 Harry Steeves Crystal Butt Grasshopper. I lost another rainbow in the 20 inch range that took a size 14 sinking red ant. All in all a great first day for my first time flyfishing Colorado. The next morning started bright and early. We fished a different section of the South Platte near the small town of Deckers. The flies of choice that day were the size 20 zebra midge and size 24 trico spinners. I caught several rainbows and a couple more cut-bows. My friend Cody ended up catching the trout of the day. A 22-24 inch class big fat male brown on a small size 20 caddis larve. What a great place to visit and flyfish. The average trout we caught were in the 15 inch range. I can't wait to go again. Thanks for taking the time to read about my trip. WTT
Great report WTT!

Fritz and I are heading west to Canon City to fish the Arkansas and S Platte for two weeks...this is valuable info. Thanks for sharing.

Did you folks camp while you were out there? Thanks for the report!
raftman wrote:
Did you folks camp while you were out there? Thanks for the report!
No camping. My wife and I stayed at a local hotel in Colorado Springs. Our main purpose for the trip was to spend Parents Weekend with our son who is a freshman cadet at the United States Air Force Academy(USAFA). The flyfishing was great but secondary to visiting with my son. BTW he loves it there! We are very proud parents. I have the next four years to explore and flyfish the area as we will travel out there whenever we can. WTT
Congratulations on being proud parents of a serviceman. I want to say Thank You to your son for his service to this country. I fully support him and wish him the very best of health and safety for him. God Bless.
Both great rivers but I love S Platte more. I'll be in Springs in 2 weeks. Plan to take 1 vacation day to fish S Platte. BWO's should be on.
Great report. When I was planning my trip to CO, I had a hard time deciding between fishing the S. Platte or heading to Basalt and the Frying Pan. I guess I'll just have to go back and fish the S. Platte!
The South Platte has a lot of caddis, that would explain why the trout take the green weenie.
Fished below Spinney today. Did Ok, lost a few nice fish. Nothing we fished was larger than a 20 and saw some tricos early but no spinner fall due to the wind. Saw one caddies in my pack when changing flies...that's it for caddis. Our guide said the caddis are not heavy up there. Not like on the Ark... And I ain't seen no caddis never look like a green weenie. Period.
I will be there next week fishing the section just above Cheesman Res. It is a pretty good hike, but it is rare to see anyone else in that section.
Fished south platte at deckers yesterday. High flows for fall. Couple on nymphs. Last 40 min of daylight the risers started. Then one nice brown after dark. Great fishery. I'll be back in November.


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Millerstime:November?Don't you run a high risk of snow then?
I'll be there for work so no loss if weather doesn't cooperate. South platte tailwaters fish well year round. I fished below 11 mile in February a few years ago. So much sunshine in CO.
Way back when, I and two buddies fished the South Platte near Woodland Park in mid-May.

First morning, bright & clear, just above 32 deg, sun just coming up, beautiful water.

I donned my hip waders, waded right in, slipped and did a "full frontal".

That water is cold...
Where's Mo's report?

Nice brown millsertime
Quick report from my trip last week. Started at S Boulder Ck about 3 miles above Gross res. Plenty of fish, but not large. However, must have had some sort of slam with five species: brook, brown, rainbow, Colorado R cutthroat, and tiger.

Next day went to South Platte near Deckers and caught plenty of browns and rainbows. Most on nymphs, but got about half dozen on dries late morning when the trico spinners dropped.

Final day was the test, walking into Wildcat Canyon of the S Platte from Big Rock Candy Mt down to Wildcat CK. A 3 mile, 1500 ft vertical descent with half of it bushwhacking to get to a fabulous Class V section of pools and rapids. One section the river went entirely under the talus, which is really weird. Good to see not even a foot print or a single empty water bottle. Hit the wall on the hike out - my lungs weren't great after only a few days at altitude - but it was a memorable trip. Big Rock Candy Mt has a 1200 ft vertical from the river and when my buddy said the road was above that monster I was a little surprised. But when I lost sight of it a mile or more from the road I felt I had done some climb.

Pretty much all fish caught on nymph rigs with a size 16 PT "big" nymph and some 22 midge. Grasshoppers, caddis, and streamers all were useless. Way away from the road large stonefly nymphs worked (with a midge dropper).