South central Pa-Tricos and water temps



Mar 8, 2011
I've never fished Tricos and was hoping to get on some o e morning this week. My wife is 38 weeks preggars so I don't wanna go too far from York, Harrisburg extended area. Any streams around my area that have decent Trico hatches that stay cool enough to fish?
Gunpowder has a fantastic hatch. Codorus is nearby and will also have them.
Definitely Codorus.
I was under the impression (and Meck discusses it at length in one of his books) that Codorus has paraleps (Jenny spinners) but not tricos. I've fished it a fair amount in August and don't recall ever seeing any tricos. Have you? (Agree about Gunpowder, though).
Dear old Charlie Meck, God love him, is a great guy and old friend. BUT, I learned years ago that he counts on intel from locals, some of whom don't always know the difference between fact and hearsay. Proof of this came back in the day when he wrote about hatches on more than one of my regular streams and wasn't even close when he described the hatches on said watershed(s).

Greg Hoover, on the other hand, knows his onions and always seemed to limit his claims to those he knew to be correct by his own experience.

Jis sayin'..............
Yellow Breeches has them...
Breeches, Letort down by the college. Can't answer for gunpowder or codorus. If they are on codorus, it would be away from the dam where the water warms a bit. They seem to like water in the 60's.

You also have falling spring, Tully, several small limestoners in central PA.