South Carolina Redfish



Jun 19, 2015
I am going down to Parris Island for a friends bootcamp graduation in early June. I'm excited to see the place again, this time as a civilian (thankfully). From what I've read online it's a good time to find redfish in the creeks. I'm going to go down a few days early for a little DIY fishing trip. Wanted to hear from any one with experience fishing down there, especially in early June. ANY info would be appreciated, what the wading is like, things to look for as far as likely places to find fish, flies, creeks, locations, anything. I'll be staying in the Beaufort area and will have a vehicle. Thanks in advance for any nuggets you're willing to share.
If you are going to be wading you will want to wade wet probably so wear long pants ,shoes as there will be stingrays and the best fishing will be over oyster bars.
Wading really limits you in creek fishing as they will be deep and muddy in most places so you will want to look for bay areas. Ambush spots are the place to find reds-mouth of creeks out going tides--- gravel bar edges etc.. but the main reason I'm replying is [spinning rods and mirrolures]to suggest as a Florida redfisher is to hint alternate means might be far more fun..for a rookie at reds.Hint,hint,hint and ducking and running..
Never fished the area but looked it over a couple of years ago when on vacation-lots of water.
I have a book "Saltwarter Anglers Guide to The Southeast"
Fly fishing and Light Tackle in the Carolinas and Georgia
pm me your address and I will send it to you
Thank you for your service
Gfoledc, I need to search for that book.

Wolf, I was down in Beaufort, NC about three weeks ago. The reds weren't there yet. If SC is anything like where I was, wading is tough. The bottom of tidal creeks are mud that you sink into, then you make a lot of mud and commotion in the water getting unstuck. Plus oyster shells can tear stuff up. I'd recommend a kayak if possible.
second that kayak-rent one if you need to-you can get seriously stuck in tidal creek mud bottoms-do not just step into one-but plenty of bays and lagoons with hard bottoms-and that's where you will find your typical reds-the very largest also called channel bass will go out into the ocean and cruise the coast line but since reds are bruisers you can have plenty of fun with school reds up to ten pounds or a little more.Nothing in fresh water comes close.Bruisers.
You can spot schooling reds but takes experience so if determined to use fly tackle your best bet might be to use spinning gear with johnsons silver minnow in gold to prospect until you locate some than switch to fly tackle-lots fish but a whole lot of water-hire a guide if you can.
Brookie that book was written by Bob Newman
Bay Street Outfitters in Beaufort is a real good shop
Tuck Scot is a great guide if you wanted to hire one
Don't mean to belabor subject but reds are moody fish-when they are feeding ,they really feed but when they aren't--forget it
I've had schools of ten pounders just leisurely cruise past me in the Indian river lagoon while wading and nothing would interest them-vary tide and time sensitive even when no noticeable tide as in the lagoon. you will need to get local info as to when to be on the water or end up swearing there aren't fish..
I would head out down here about 4 in the morning to catch the morning feed.Usually best time ,especially if you are kayaking.
have fun- you will never forget them if you get into them-I've had big bulls and cows pull me quarter mile in my hobie before I could land them.Poor mans Nova Scotia sleigh
Gfoledc, thanks for the info. I think I found it on Amazon. I just need to check the author. I'm planning a return trip for reds in October and any information I can glean will help.

Just happened to see a YouTube of flyfishing for Redfish in Charleston. Didn't know how to attach it but if you Google "Tons of tailing Redfish" you should be able to find it. Thought you might find it interesting.
Good luck on your trip.
Thanks for all the info guys! Really appreciate it.
Thanks again G, that was super generous of you. I'll put it to good use.
I got your book in the mail today. Thank you again, it was very generous of you and looks like it has a lot of helpful information in it. I'll send a good word along to the fish karma gods for you. Thanks!