South Branch Gunpowder Falls



Active member
Oct 11, 2009
I was on my way to a bike expo in Carroll Co. when I happened across this little gem. Anybody know anything about it? Looks great!
Not sure about the South Branch? We have the Gunpowder Falls,
Little Gunpowder Falls, and the Little Falls. If you tell me were you were I might be able to help. You also have the Gunpowder above and below Pretty Boy reservoir, though above the reservoir it is a tiny stream.
Yeah I never heard of the SBGF either.
The lack of replies means this stream is either a big fat nothing known by many or a stream that is off the radar screen and whose secrets are therefore only known by a select few who offer nothing. You decide. :-D :-D
You probably have the name wrong.
Nope, it's the right name. I looked on the map and it's above Prettyboy Res. You're correct that it is a smallish creek but by my estimation, from the little stretch I drove along, it looks very fishy. I wouldn't mind wasting a couple hours to see what its like.,+MD+21102/@39.7187684,-76.843761,16z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x89c842b48791cfa5:0x39a54b4b28a4adb

Here ya go, I followed it around here. I'll be spending some time south of the border this year!
You can find it pretty quickly on google maps near the PA/MD border so I dont think it's the wrong name and looks like it originates from Gun powder falls.
Now that it has been confirmed that this stream does indeed exist (as I knew it did since I have fished it several times), I refer you back to my posting above for the answer to Tim's OP about this "little gem" that he happened to stumble across, which also "looks great."

Quotes added for emphasis.
Locals call it "the hawg trough".
My impression of the Gunpower Drainage as I drove along it once one a trip back home from Westminster MD is that it was a lot of limestone water, I'd say go for it.