Some modest rookie success...



Well-known member
May 3, 2011
Got home from work in time today to mow the yard, and my wife has her grad school class on Thursday nights so I was able to sneak out for about 45 minutes this evening before dark. I didn't have time/daylight to make the drive to any of my favorite streams, so I just went to a small local impoundment about 5 minutes from my house.

I quickly picked up two chunky Green Sunfish that apparently came standard with the auto release feature, as both promptly got off at my feet. Both of those were on a small white bugger, but after a few more strikes and misses, the hits on the bugger stopped. I could see sunnies rising everywhere to what looked like a small gray midge like insect...I'm certainly no bug expert yet, but I tied on a size 20 gray midge and hooked up with a healthy mix of Greens, Bluegills, Pumpkinseeds, and various hybrids of the three for the next 20 minutes or so before heading home. Some more good visual practice for a rookie as a lot of times they (especially the Gills and Seeds with their smaller mouths) were very deliberate with their takes, and I had to wait to make sure they had the fly in their mouth. The Greens were aggressive as always and would come up and violently slam the fly...Redbreasts are my favorite of the sunfish common to PA, but Greens always seem to me to be the most aggressive and pull the hardest...worthy of a close second place in my heart.

Nothing of any real size, but a couple of the Greens went 6 inches or so, and the Pumpkinseed below was about the same. All put a nice delightful tug on my 4 wt.

Definitely liking this fly fishing thing...the visual aspect of the takes on the dries is very addicting.


  • Stoevers Lake - 05-05-11.jpg
    Stoevers Lake - 05-05-11.jpg
    30.7 KB · Views: 7
Fishing for panfish is awesome on the fly rod. I've got a few places I go to like that, where you can pull one out every cast. Pound for pout they're one of the best fighters out there. I have a private pond that I go to every year for a church pot luck dinner/fishing outing that is loaded with large sunnies and 12-16" bass. I unfortunately have a stupid wedding on that date this year. I'm trying to get out of it lol. Just wait till you match the hatch and have a nice big old trout come up and sip your dry fly. Then you'll really be hooked.