Softex question



Well-known member
Nov 16, 2009
I have a jar of Softex that I haven't used for awhile. When I went to use it today, it was about twice as thick as it usually is.
Does anyone out there know what I can use to thin it a bit? I know it says it is flammable so I don't want to just put anything into it.
Thanks in advance.
Maybe this will help.
that's what I use toluene
Thanks for the link and quick reply guys. Now to see if I can find toluene.
You might be able to use Acetone. I have used toluene in a lab for years, but it is a pretty toxic solvent.
acetone is a different critter all together. You work in a lab and don't know that...
Acetone won't work. Xylenes will probably sustitue for toluene. They are all toxic, but so is gasoline, kerosene, turpentine...your exposure for this use is minimal, so just don't drink it, bathe in it, or breathe the fumes for an extended period and you will be fine.
For some reason toluene is hard to find in small amounts ( you can buy pints of xylenes). I have a gallon and would be happy to give you a jar full if you want to find a way to meet up.
FrequentTyer wrote:
...your exposure for this use is minimal, so just don't drink it, bathe in it, or breathe the fumes for an extended period and you will be fine.


That takes all the fun out of it....

Toluene is also a good solvent to thin down shoe goo as a soft head cement....
FrequentTyer wrote:
For some reason toluene is hard to find in small amounts ( you can buy pints of xylenes). I have a gallon and would be happy to give you a jar full if you want to find a way to meet up.

Thanks for the offer Mike but a fishing buddy of mine had both toluene and xylene and he brought me a little jar full of each today.
He also said that toluene is getting hard to find.