So what do you think



Oct 12, 2016
Saw this article on another website. You small stream guys, what do you think?
allthingsfishing wrote:
Saw this article on another website. You small stream guys, what do you think?

No need for specialized tackle especially for small stream fishing. A shorter conventional rod and an inexpensive reel is all you need. The reel just ends up being a line holder pretty much the same as with the "lo-fli" outfit. The same for Tenkara. A rod and line that works well for short casts and a reel to hold and wrap up your line.

No way to use a hook keeper with tension maintained by a reel is a big disadvantage to that outfit. The same can be said for tenkara outfits.

Plus there's an advantage to being able to find and use any conventional rod that you find casts and fishes best for you.

Bah-humbug I say!



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I carry the same philosophy into fly fishing that Alton Brown takes into kitchen equipment. No Uni-taskers. Just don't have the room or the income to just throw money the latest, greatest gadget or fad. Unless you're cranking one out in the new 3D printer you bought for Xmas, it looks like more trouble than its worth.
Might be all right, but I think a small rod, reel, lightweight outfit fits the bill just as well, if not better.
I don't see the point at all. I already own a six foot rod and it doesn't get much use because that length is too short even for the smallest streams. And I already hand-line smaller fish, a reel doesn't prevent that.
Wouldn't the line would be constantly unraveling, because the spool is not enclosed?

troutbert wrote:
Wouldn't the line would be constantly unraveling, because the spool is not enclosed?
I was wondering that as well. You would spend more time spooling line than fishing.
troutbert wrote:
Wouldn't the line would be constantly unraveling, because the spool is not enclosed?

I thought at first that's why it comes with a WF line instead of a DT -- being less bulky, it keeps the the further down in the channel of the spool. With a 6 foot rod, you're never going to see the rear taper.

Of course, with only 50 feet of line, and I don't suppose he's making his own lines, he's cut 40 feet off the line, so the remaining DT wouldn't be reversible any way. If he really wanted to keep it simple, it would come with a level line.

I would assume a rubber band would keep the line in place when not in use.

And I'm somewhat offended that he thinks he's invented anything. Fish weren't played off the reel for the first couple of hundred years after its invention.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

A 7 1/2 ft, 4 wt (or similar) graphite rod works very well for fishing small stream.

And you can find this gear at reasonable prices.

So, he's trying to fix a non-existent problem.

I don't like the way it looks. I love more traditional looking rods and reels. I like quality, looks, and performance in purchasing equipment. Never see it in my quiver. :lol:
Looks to me like you still have to unspool and spool line on that semi reel. This rig just makes it harder to do - plus take more time to do it - IMO
Interesting, but I think I’ll pass.
WTF? Different isn't always better. It just doesn't make any sense. I notice they don't show the angler playing the fish. It screams gimmick to me.

btw ... Not sure about that annoying "buzz" of a drag, but that click is music to my ears.
Just my opinion but, I have always for the most part found a longer rod on small closed in streams works better for me. The short rods just are not going to get your fly into the places it needs to be. A longer rod is much better for the little flip casts in to the hole where you see the rise ans also for the bow cast. I find short rods on small little streams to be very frustrating. No, you are not going to cast it like you normally would on open water but the extra length sure helps get ya where ya wanna be. Ya just use the length in another way.
The more I think about it, the more I'm hoping it's a joke of some sort.

If you annoyed by a reel, simply put it in your pocket when fishing.
Can't see myself purchasing one of those, there is not a situation I would be in where that rig is advantageous. There are current products on the market that are cheap and more versatile. Buying one of those would be like buying a fiberglass rod ;-) .
On one hand, the kickstarter for this is nowhere near it's goal. On the other it's raised $12k.

There's a certain segment of the F2Fing population that insists on being different. These people will never admit that it is almost entirely for aesthetic reasons, but will try to spin it as being better tackle and methods. That's who buts this crap.

A reel that doesn't reel? In 2019?


It's like tenkara for someone who doesn't have the balls for real tenkara.
Use a 5wt 6'-6" LLBean child's rod/reel to fish GSMNP streams. Purchased for my son when he was 8. Catches fish. Wouldn't purchase just for small streams, although it was < $90.00. But I have, use it.

Probably, inventor's idea looked good on paper and kick start.
ryansheehan wrote:
Can't see myself purchasing one of those, there is not a situation I would be in where that rig is advantageous. There are current products on the market that are cheap and more versatile. Buying one of those would be like buying a fiberglass rod ;-) .

The only redeeming virtue of the setup is that at least at has fiberglass rod. The only thing that would have made it worse would have been to have a graphite rod.
But the guy in the picture has such a nice trimmed beard, flannel shirt, and brimmed hat! SO it MUST be what you need as a fly fisherman.

#Everyone wants to be like the Squatch
#No one wants to BE the Squatch