Snurries today



Active member
Sep 13, 2006
Around noon today in Saucon Valley we had a very light shower of snow flurries, anyone else see any?
We had some on sunday evening and yesterday even more, had a light coating on the top of the jeep. Cambria Co.
white out almost
The black oil tanker cars on the train that runs along the Susky to Port Deposit had an adornment of snow on each car this morning. Probably carrying Bakken crude from North Dakota. I thought the cars had a bad case of peeling paint at first glance.
A dusting here in Germania this morning. It snizzled off and on most of yesterday. 18 degrees this morning!
After a cold low this morning of 20 degrees, we had a few flurries around 5 pm. But nothing stuck to the ground
Nice forecast though. Supposed to get a little warmer every day this week, with a high on turkey day in the sixties
It was 23* when we got in the woods with morning for bear hunting
I was in Pittsburgh Sunday and it was snowing. Snowed all the way to Somerset on my way home which is kind of typical this time of year. I'll be golfing tomorrow and Friday probably. May have to go fishing on Saturday since it's supposed to rain.
26° and snowing in Germania again this morning. I was going to fish with another member but too cold for my old bones. Thursday and Friday are supposed to be warmer.
It's certainly chilly. I coaxed two holdover bows out of hiding the other day but they were not very acting. Taking stuff dead off the bottom of holes that I knew held fish. Fall went way to quick, seemed like this year didn't have a ton of good fishing days between blow outs and droughts. Streams will be icing up before we know it too.
Cool and sunny. No snow shovelin here. LOL GG
Where ya playing Friday?
gulfgreyhound wrote:
Cool and sunny. No snow shovelin here. LOL GG
No trout either! :-o :lol: