Snow Day



Well-known member
Jan 16, 2012
Carbondale, PA
Took to day off for stress relief and came down with a case of cabin fever. Even though it was on 17 degrees out, I decided that they only cure was to gear up and head for the river.

Spent about 45 minutes working the water all by my lonesome when this young lady came along to give me a little warm up! She was about 16" long but fought like a bigger fish! Blood was pumping pretty good when I got her into the net.

Stress relieved and cabin fever cured!


  • Lack Brown 01 26 2015.jpg
    Lack Brown 01 26 2015.jpg
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That is a good fish. Kudos to you for going out in this weather. Too cold for me. Guess I am a winp. LOL

Thanks, GenCon.

It's only my feet that seem to get cold on days like this. Layers work well for the upper body. I'm thinking that I will invest in some boot foot waders for the winter fishing.

Everything felt warmer when the reel started singing!
Nice fish! Props to you for getting out during this storm.

-44 with -50 windchills hard to believe spring is right around the corner lol
What makes think that is a girl?
Real nice fish, Dave! Man, you must have had it pretty bad. 17 degrees is tough conditions. Glad you found the cure. Congrats!
JackM wrote:
What makes think that is a girl?


Overall shape of the fish, lack of any "hook" shape to the jaw. Add to that the way she was determined to have her own way. :)

Layman's guess.

Do you see something that makes you think male?

dc410 wrote:
Real nice fish, Dave! Man, you must have had it pretty bad. 17 degrees is tough conditions. Glad you found the cure. Congrats!


Thanks. It's nice to have a "Hot" spot fairly close by during the winter months.

Keeping the feet warm is the toughest part. Dan and I manage to get out at least one time per weekend pretty much year round. Usually manage 90 minutes to 3 hours depending on wind and temps.

Hoping to be back out there Friday or Saturday. (Or both!)

When we getting together to fish?

djs12354 wrote:
JackM wrote:
What makes think that is a girl?


Overall shape of the fish, lack of any "hook" shape to the jaw. Add to that the way she was determined to have her own way. :)

Layman's guess.

Do you see something that makes you think male?


I was just being stupid, I typically refer to fish as "it."

I was just being stupid, I typically refer to fish as "it."[/quote]

Ah, I thought you saw something I didn't know or recognize. In my limited experience with bigger browns, it seems that the males have darker coloration and something of a "hook" to the jaw.

I may be off base with this, and if I am, I hope someone will point it out.
Here's one resource for sexing trout. I remember reading something similar to this in a scientific reference book as well, but feel free to cross examine.

I usually look at head shape and the concave (female) or convex (male) anal fin for brown trout. This won't really work for young, sexually immature fish though.
And great winter fish by the way! It looks like a male going by the longer nose/face but I can't say for sure.

Thanks for the link!
Here is a good visual of a typical mature female vs a mature male. Both were lake runners out of Ontario this past fall


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Yes, but in many PA streams, there are 10ish inch fish that are sexually mature, and they generally do NOT have a hook jaw.

(though not overly common, it is sometimes amusing to see 7" brook trout with kypes, lol).

I would have guessed the OP's fish to be a male based on the head shape, but I'm far from sure of it....