


Active member
Sep 11, 2006
Watched a good program on National Geographic called "Monster Fish: Snakeheads."

Very informative on how northern snakehead and giant snakehead entered and are thriving the US.

Mostly generic/general info on the fish, but worth watching in my oppinion.
I saw that show at lunch today. I thought it was a good show. I wish I could've stayed home and watched the rest of it. Did they say how they thought the snakehead got to the U.S.?
Yea, they are brought in to sell at Asia markets because apparently people of Asia decent use the meat in soups, especially in remedy-type soups. Since 2002 one fish market was responsible for bringing 25000 fish alive. And seeing that they have a primitive lung, can walk across land, like to escape confined spaces, and reproduce at alarming rate they have boomed.

The one that were found in that pond in Maryland were release by a man that was going to make a soup for his ill sister, but she go better. He decided to release them becuase in his home country it is ceremonial to free the unused fish.

Did you see the part about the giant snakehead? ...... They get up to 5 feet long and attack anything that comes in their way, especially if they are endangering to their young -- even humans.
I've seen them in Chinatown before. Ugly suckers. Going to hit FDR in the coming weeks to try to get one.
I definitely wouldn't want to run into one of those Giant Snakeheads! I bet they put up a big fight with a fly rod.
They have had snakeheads in the tidal Potomac for at least a few years. I haven't heard of any of the giant versions - down there they seem to average about 20" long. The state requires they be killed on sight. Bass fishermen are starting to target them - evidently they hit lures and fight hard. So far, they don't appear to have moved above the Great Falls. If they get above it, it's only a matter of time before they move upriver and possibly colonize some waters here in SC part of the state. I believe there are some low head dams on Conococheague, Monocacy, Antietam Creek etc but, if there isn't, some sort of barriers might be necessary.
I do respect and enjoy America. One of the great thing about it is the fact other cultures come here and bring traditions with them. However, not in this case. Isnt this a form of eco-terrorism? Can these people get in trouble for this kind of stuff?
They were also sold in pet stores right next to the pirahnas
Fishidiot wrote:
They have had snakeheads in the tidal Potomac for at least a few years. I haven't heard of any of the giant versions - down there they seem to average about 20" long. The state requires they be killed on sight. Bass fishermen are starting to target them - evidently they hit lures and fight hard. So far, they don't appear to have moved above the Great Falls. If they get above it, it's only a matter of time before they move upriver and possibly colonize some waters here in SC part of the state. I believe there are some low head dams on Conococheague, Monocacy, Antietam Creek etc but, if there isn't, some sort of barriers might be necessary.

I've actually seen videos of entire schools walking around dams, so that might not help either. Maybe we should try a border fence. :lol:

I saw that episode too. The giant ones do attack people. In asia every once in awhile a fisherman wading gets attacked.

How sad it is to see what ignorance can accomplish!!!!!