Snakeheads in PA waters



Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
This does not bode well for Pa. I lived in Md not far from where these fish were first found. There was a $50.00 reward for catching them. However, they became so prolific the reward was soon discontinued. There is no known way to eradicate this monster, I fear for our fish population should they continue to show up.
There is currently a thread on snakeheads in the Warm Water Forum where the pros and cons of this species is being discussed.
I honestly don't think that the snakeheads are going to cause that many, if any, problems in our overall health of our waterways. The flatheads that are spreading will change our waterways more than the snakeheads will. The style of extreme hyperbolic writing with words like "frankenfish" and what not needs to stop as well. In our world of global interconnectivity these introductions are going to happen. The bluegill caused major problems (or at least changes) in Japanese waters. Look how we've stocked them everywhere here and no one seems to care.

Point is everything will be may change some, but life will go on.
Just wait till they start catching them in Penns, letort, yellow breaches and spring creek and the upper susky. Everything will be fine.
Many who believe that these fish are only "warm waters" seem to forget that many trout feeder streams get warm during the summer. Nothing will stop this fish from moving upstream to feed.

Bottom line, time will tell!
Hey I stated a thread in the warm water section for people who want to discuss there fears for snakeheads . I recommend you move the discussion there.
I agree, this should be moved to the warm water discussion.