Snakehead on the Fly success thread

Fred's secret.......


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How many rods did you break in the process of getting that fish? Also, toughen up and lip that sum *****.
krayfish2 wrote:
How many rods did you break in the process of getting that fish? Also, toughen up and lip that sum *****.

I broke one rod and two fly line loops fishing for these fish this year. I almost lipped one this year on accident :-o But they always keep their mouth closed so you need some sort of fish grip to handle them.
sarce wrote:
19?? That's insane. I've never heard of anyone catching that many on the fly. Really awesome stuff! Now tell me what the secret is and give me your spots LOL.

(Don't actually do that ;-) )

Had twenty on yesterday was a big one to but he got tangled in the weeds I was bank fishing and a I was lallygagging around on going in after him but by the time I decided to he got off 😢 .

Going to be allot more caught next year I got these fish dialed in now up here . Next year I plan on heading down your way were the el grande ones are . If you have a yak we should meet up .

Next year I also plan on getting some Gar can't wait to have all those teeth trashing at my feet :lol:
You're gonna need a bigger yak down here!

Unfortunately, I don't have one, but a few places rent them where snakeheads can be found.
sarce wrote:
You're gonna need a bigger yak down here!

Unfortunately, I don't have one, but a few places rent them where snakeheads can be found.

My kayak is plenty big at '14 and I have a motor

So my goal has been met and surpassed caught two today which will put me at 21 for the year . Caught a five pound bowfin also but he was photo shy and flopped out of my hands when he seen the camera . If anyone needs to get a hold of me tonight I will be celebrating at two stones pub brewery down the street from my house 😛int:

Got out today for some snakes and bowfin caught two of each but the snakeheads were photo shy today and keep flopping off before I could get my grip on them but hopefully this won’t be my last trip of the year . The bowfin were very active today I probably had about six hits but only four got the hook. Bowfin have mouths like tarpon it’s very hard to get a good hookset .
I was wondering if you were still going after them with this absurd warm weather. I've been fishing for schoolies... usually in the fall I'm not drenched in sweat fishing at 9 pm. It was 80 degrees while I was fishing tonight.
sarce wrote:
I was wondering if you were still going after them with this absurd warm weather. I've been fishing for schoolies... usually in the fall I'm not drenched in sweat fishing at 9 pm. It was 80 degrees while I was fishing tonight.

Hey Fred....I would say you're one of the top FFing experts in Snakehead fishing.

Sarce, how has the surf been fishing? Blues, with smaller ones and a few schoolies from what I hear. I haven't made any trips to the shore yet. The run may be a little late with the warmer water, but most seasons things don't start to happen until November. Keep us updated.
Nice work! I haven't caught a bowfin since I lived in Florida. Those guys are all through the everglades.
sarce wrote:
I was wondering if you were still going after them with this absurd warm weather. I've been fishing for schoolies... usually in the fall I'm not drenched in sweat fishing at 9 pm. It was 80 degrees while I was fishing tonight.

I usually fish the salt in the fall also . I didn’t go because I knew that it wouldn’t of been a fun time in the heat and I haven’t heard any good reports after Nate came through.
Afishinado, I haven't been to the surf recently - I fish the tidal Potomac at night in DC/Arlington VA. Despite having strong tides it is fresh water, so no blues around up this far, but there are plenty of resident stripers. When stars align in the spring and late fall the larger ones over 18" are available on the fly from shore in a few locations, though that has not yet happened for me.

General consensus down here is that it is still too warm, which is not surprising.
jifigz wrote:
Nice work! I haven't caught a bowfin since I lived in Florida. Those guys are all through the everglades.

They are a very unappreciated gamefish theyare like a largemouth that does steroids.
Tom, they've had fish up to 34" on plugs in the wash for a week or so now. I haven't heard if the Alberts have shown at the Hook or one of the inlets yet, but they're overdue.
SurfCowboyXX wrote:
Tom, they've had fish up to 34" on plugs in the wash for a week or so now. I haven't heard if the Alberts have shown at the Hook or one of the inlets yet, but they're overdue.

or done....

I talked to a few guys that hit the albies back in mid September at the Hook. The two hurricanes blew through and not much happening since.

There are blues and tons snapper blues being caught and quite a bit of bait in close, and some short bass with maybe a bigger one mixed in but overall not a lot happening.
I was mt. biking at the Heinz Preserve yesterday. Snakeheads are very prevalent - I saw 3 guys fishing with snakeheads they had caught & killed in the grass. The govt has many signs posted reminding people not to release the fish they catch, rather to keep or kill them. Guys told me that some areas with snakeheads are not assessable for fishermen, only birdwatchers.