Snake gaiters?



Jul 2, 2011
Does anyone use them? If so, who makes them or what could you recommend to buy?

I have some streams I like to fish this time of year but they're so brushy/grassy and I think I may be getting more paranoid.

Thanks in advance.
I have them...just the Cabelas house line. $50ish as I recall. Got them for fishing in snakey areas but they're nice for protecting your waders from the knees to the ankles from thorns, sticks, and other potential punctures in brushy areas. I don't always wear them, but if I'm in a known snakey area I do. I'm happy with them and feel they were worth the money.

They're the soft flexible ones, not the hard, solid "soccer shin guard" style. They wrap around your calf and have snap buckles like a wading belt. Main downside is they're hot in the Summer time...they keep the waders from breathing and you end up with sweaty calves. Otherwise they're comfy, don't know they're there. I've seen two Rattlers this on Penns, and one on a small stream in Potter Co. Had the gaiters on both times and was happy I did. One word of caution when looking to purchase gaiters though...if you're the only one in your fishing group with gaiters in a snakey area, you'll find yourself out front blazing the trail a lot!
Great info Swattie, thanks.

Guessing you have these?
Never thought about gaiters that is a good idea. Real snakie places I ware the old rubber hip boots but they are hot and not great for long walks. I wear heavy jeans under my breathable hoppers. I hope I never get to find out if that is enough.

I have a pair of Rattlers' brand chaps that I wear; they probably are more for my psyche than actually protecting me, in that the chances of getting bitten by a snake are slim, while my head has them rustling all over the place :) They do protect waders from brush and briars and everything else. I got a second pair that I use at home, for weed-eating the property.
BT - Yep, those are the ones.
I like those. thanks for sharing1
Cool, think I'll be ordering these. Like you say, might be for one's own piece of mind more than anything, but ya never know...
Swattie87 wrote:
One word of caution when looking to purchase gaiters though...if you're the only one in your fishing group with gaiters in a snakey area, you'll find yourself out front blazing the trail a lot!

LOL- Never thought of that... I'm still to see a poisonous snake while fishing, but I need to get a pair just in case.

I like remote brushy fishing and have worn these fabric ones in husky size over waders bout five year now. Have seen three rattlers fishing last few years. Partially stepped on unIDed snake in tall grass may well have been a rattler. def helps preserve lower waders and could help avoid a cut. I will take any safety upgrade I can get.
high mileage turtleskins. looks like orvis sells them now. I like the husky size to wear over stuff, not all sellers have the bigger size.


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It also looks like the gaiters are on sale at Cabela's (reg. $60; on sale for $51).

I have a pair and I almost never wear them. Mine are the hard plastic, with cloth covering style. "Shin guard" style as Swattie says. I feel like a storm trooper when I wear em. And the places where I most need them are the places where you walk long distances, hence, the comfort factor becomes most important.

If I were to do it over, I'd get the soft turtle skins, no question. I still may. Don't do like I did and get a cheapo pair, because you won't use em anyway.

Jeans are certainly not enough for rattlers. Rubber hippers are better than nothing, but also not enough, they'll go right through em. Even jeans + rubber hippers. Nope.

The best those will do is maybe prevent a bite. Rattlers are pit vipers and strike by sensing heat moreso than by sight. That's why it's real hard to get them to, say, bite a stick. No heat. So the jeans and hippers may camoflauge you, per se. But if they do go after your leg, it won't stop the fangs.
I forget I have the turtleskins on. they are comfortable and I still watch for snakes.
I fish in teva sandals on the weekend. I'm sure I'll regret it at some point.