snake chaps?

  • Thread starter BrookieBuster101
  • Start date


Jun 27, 2009
Does anyone have any opinions on wearing snake chaps for fishing brushy wild trout streams? My dad has an unnatural hatred of snakes of any kind and i was thinking that a pare of chaps may widen our horizons so to speak.
It's not unnatural!!!!!!!!!!!!! Snakes suck. My Dad is the spookiest snake hopper Man known on the east coast. He's all man, in fact now at 70 he still looks better than 95% of the guys I see. But snakes will test every reflex in his body. He is like a cheetah when he sees a snake and even when he thinks he sees a snake. My Grandmother his Mother was the same and even though when young I would grab a black snake and wrap it around my waist in my youth, later I would see a silly piece of hose and if it even looked like a snake I'd jump. I have never had a bad experience with a snake.

This is the best I can tell you. Buy him the best snake gear you can buy. It won't matter he won't get bit. You will right behind him, after he leaps up out of the way. LOL! I'm serious. You should see my dad hop.

He has some heart tests Friday, think of us.
i will. Hope all goes well.
He is all good. Just a little plaque, no blockages. HUGE relief.

To you guys that have daughters you are truly the base to your daughters souls. Mothers raise their daughters to be women, Fathers raise their daugters to be their daughters. I don't remember a time when my Dad didn't say I couldn't do anything. Almost raced stockcar boys! The gas crisis shut down the track right before. My Dad just so shined when I was dressed for Prom, long hair all done up and scolded me for sliding my little toyota side-ways all the way down the snowny back street behind our family business in Nicholson. But when I kicked it sideways and slipped it in between 2 cars he tried not to smile and still scolded me anyway.

Anyway, he taught me to fish when I was little and he wants to learn how to fly fish. I absolutely can't wait to take him!!!