Smallmouth Lines

"Actually it is only illegal to have alcohol in a glass container. " "were informed plastic or cans OK glass not OK .. must stay in cooler."

I am unaware of that. How can you drink the beverage if it has to stay in the cooler? Either I read the signage incorrectly at the PFBC ramps or the alcohol policy has changed. My wife and I always liked having a rum & coke on the river and we would put just enough rum in a plastic container that we would drink it all before reaching the take-out.
In other words you can't. The glass bottle cannot leave the cooler .... that is what they said. Plastic is OK. I don't drink alcohol when I fish but my friend had 1 bottle of beer in the cooler. Whether what they told us is official who knows. They can be a odd bunch at times.
I always thought they would have a issue with alcohol but apparently not .... at least that day they didn't.

You may be able to drink the beer after pouring into a plastic cup and keep the empty in the cooler. We didn't ask.
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I just got off the phone with a woman from the Upper Delaware Scenic & Recreation River. She told me alcohol consumption is legal. No glass bottles out of the cooler. Pour your beer into a non glass container and you are legal.

While trying to figure out who to call I ran across a comment from PFBC indicating it is illegal to launch, or retrieve, a recreational inner tube type of float, or any other floating device that would be used solely to float. The reason was those recreational floaters take away parking spaces from anglers and guides who buy licenses and guiding permits to fish on the river. In the summer I often see many inner tube floaters passing by my cabin. I guess though if you do not leave a vehicle parked there and don't use a PFBC ramp to take out you are legal.
I believe you are right that if the tubers put in on private land / NY side and take out on private land / NY side, they are legal....and quite often annoying 😁. I think the ones you see going by your cabin are typically the camp councilors on their day off or between camp dates. Talked to bunches of them over the years.
A few years back I was standing by the Sheehawken ramp and 50+ kayaks came floating through. Is somebody renting kayaks in the area? They were reasonably well behaved but jeez .... 50. Probably taking out at Bard or Buck.
A few years back I was standing by the Sheehawken ramp and 50+ kayaks came floating through. Is somebody renting kayaks in the area? They were reasonably well behaved but jeez .... 50. Probably taking out at Bard or Buck.

Take out at 191 and you can thank Coz for that.