Smallies on the Susky



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Malden, WV
Friday night I had my first attempt at fly fishing on the Susky. This is really the first year I've gotten into warm waters species; after landing a 30" carp on the Tully last fall on 6x tippet and a size 18 prince nymph, I've been obsessed w/ reliving that experience!

My friend has a yacht down at Susky Yacht Club, so we took his dingy out to the far side of the river down there to a nice big sandy flat. We could see a couple of carp flapping around, but I couldn't get them to take anything. After a few hours we motored it back to the other side of the river, and I started chucking a big white popper along the shore amongst rocks. At first, all I was catching were some panfish, but as the sun went down, the smallies started hitting. I ended up landing three 14"-16" smallies in about an hour. I missed a few more (I started getting really jerky....). Pretty good experience for my first time out! Next time I'll bring a camera.