Small Warm Water Stream Fishing



Sep 9, 2009
Had a chance to fish a section of Deer Creek that I hadn't fished before - close to my house, easy access, every kind of water you can imagine - riffles, tailout pools, pocket water, deeper runs - if it were a trout stream, I would have thought I died and went to heaven.

Wading was perfect - I walked down the center of the stream the entire time, was able to cast to both banks, and caught fish the entire time. Other than tying on a popper to try to get the smallies to look up, all fish were caught on this streamer I made up last week:


Grey squirrel tail with 3 strands of pearl flash on both sides, hare's ear body ribbed with silver mylar tinsel, lead wire and bead head for weight, and a brown hen for the collar.

Caught mostly fallfish and smallmouth (4 to 1 fallfish to smallmouth) with a few RBSF mixed in. This is the first smallie I caught, and I knew I might have found a special spot. I don't think the picture does it justice - probably over 10 inches, but not bad for a small stream.


Caught a few this size, sometimes as soon as the streamer hit the water:


Caught them all ways - stripping, dead drifting, swinging, etc.

This was the average fallfish - bigger than the average from the other stretches of Deer Creek I have fished.


Caught this last decent fish, again I think it was bigger than the picture makes it look, but all of the smallmouth were very healthy and clean, and I saw plenty of fry swimming around in the shallows as I was wading out.


I will definitely explore this stretch again, in higher water, to see of there are any biggums in there!
Good stuff.

I think you'll find that small streams don't harbor many large bass. The ones I fish rarely produce bass over about 14" but this isn't always true and bigger fish can be caught......but I'm happy with the large numbers of bass in the 8-12" range. Fallfish are scrappy and fun too.

Just a few years ago there were fairly few members of this forum talking about warm water species at all, much less fishing in small streams for bass and panfish. I'm pleased to see this is changing and more of us are hitting small streams for WW species (guys pursuing carp have greatly increased too). A lot of FFers don't know what they're missing.
Love the small stream fishing (war or coldwater). Nice fish looks like you had a great time!