Small Stream Line



Sep 23, 2006
Looking for a Fly line for small streams and small mid-full flex rods. I want something that turns over for roll casting etc. Thanks for the help 2-3wt
Check out the lines from Allen's. Get a DT so you can use it twice.

I use Wulff Triangle taper for most of my trout rods. It roll casts well. Quite frankly, in small stream situations, casting a rod's length of fly line most times, I'm not really sure the fly line brand or type really matters much. I do overline my rod by a line weight sometimes, but you really have to try a few lines to see what works best on individual rods. If it were me, I wouldn't go out and buy a special line for small stream fishing for the reasons stated above. Sorry, not much help.
Afish...tell your avatar to quit staring at me, man. He's given me the creeps! Everywhere I go...there he is, still staring at me!
Cortland Sylk.

I bought a 3dt for my bamboo rod, only to find out its even better on my graphite rod, too.

To paraphrase an earlier statement, its as gentle as an angel taking a dump.

And who's going to argue with the dainty nature of angels? None of you, I wager.
I strongly disagree with recommending a Triangle Taper for small streams. In the small stream fishing I do, you will rarely get the weight of a TT line out past the tip. This will cause you to have trouble loading the rod. I prefer double taper lines but even a SA Headstart WF line would be better than a TT. Just my opinion.
Whatever you use, make sure it's overlined.
I'm not sure I neccessarily agree, Jay, but I guess the defination of "small creek" defines it.

I found that the short 3wt I had loads easier with the 3dt over the 4wf I was using. I think short casts are even easier. On the other hand, my "small creek" is still 20' wide so YMMV.
Small creeks, to me, can be jumped across in a spot or two. I'd overline on brushy streams. A small spring creek or limestoner is a different story. When I hear "small", I think brook trout in bathtub sized pools.

Then again, I'm of the opinion that anything smaller than a 4wt is a toy, and should be treated as such. I love my 3wt, but it's for pure novelty appeal. Using 1-3wts on brushy brook trout streams, to me, doesn't make a lick of sense. It's a polar opposite of the proper tool for the job. I should know... I have to deal with fishing the 3wt for brookies most of the time because I don't have any heavier rods in a shorter length.
jayL and gfen,

JayL's advice to overline is sound if you are using a rod marketed as fast action since the modulus wars started. However, it would be anywhere from unneeded to unwise to overline a more moderate rod.
That sounds reasonable, shortrod.

I would argue that a faster action rod is optimal for small stream fishing. Tight loops and all... but to each his own.

Not arguing, but demonstrating how difficult it can be to give good advice on these forums.

For you and many others, a faster action rod may indeed be optimal. But don't confuse your personal preference for a faster action with that action being better suited for the task.

I agree that tight loops can be extremely important in small stream fishing. A faster action rod may make it slightly easier to throw tight loops once you have mastered the rods timing. But, be assured a more moderate rod can also throw those same tight loops. I find that a tight loop is more a matter of what I do with the rod than which rod I do it with.

For me the advantage of a more moderate action is simply - time. More time to switch from concentrating on the back cast to concentrating on the forward cast. The time to compensate for a mistake.

I do not contend that what works for me would work for anyone else.
Jay we're in agreement on small streams, then, but the jury is still out Tweek's definition of small stream.

Beyond that, I've got no answer as I don't fish things that small at this point. I do, however, maintain my opinion on a light and gentle 3wt line.
i agree with jay , a fast action rod bends more toward the tip , will load faster with less line out , i also recommend overlining 1 size for a small stream rod - it will load the rod quicker with less line out than the same rod will with a lighter line. at the price of allen fly fishings lines buy 1 of each and try em or try to find someone with the rod u have and try it out
shortrod wrote:

Why is it not so good to overline a more moderate rod? Because, the line is already properly matched to the rod. An overlined moderate action will cast just fine at shorter distances but even the streams that you can jump across in most places will often have a few place where you need to make a 35ft cast and the over overlined moderate rod will fail to perform as expected.

I don't disagree, but I find it to be a better strategy to game plan for 95% of the stream instead of the rare large pools or open runs. Besides, those larger areas get a majority of the pressure.

Even on my moderate rods, I find overlining to be the best tactic.

Troutslammer is correct that fast action rods load faster. I am not sure that they load easier, but it certainly happens quicker. I feel that's an asset on tight streams.

I maintain my position that an overlined fast action rod is optimal for small stream fishing. In the case that one cannot effectively fish a fast rod, this may not be the case, but I find this to be the exception rather than the rule. Preference and optimal performance are often divergent in FF, and performance quality judgments are subjective. I make these statements with the general fly fishing public in mind, and I feel they are accurate in that context.

I don't drive stick, but that doesn't mean automatic is better. It just means I can drive it. :)
Less rod flex means less movement, which means the ability to cast in tighter places, with less room.

And that's not even considering the ability to bow and arrow cast with a medium fast to fast rod, which is a major perk IMO.

Good discussion. I'm out 'til Monday night, so I won't get to keep at it for a few days. Enjoy your weekend.