Small Scale Brown and Brook Trout Carvings



Jun 30, 2015
With the recent heat wave that we had in SWPA and also having to recover from a bad ankle sprain, I took the opportunity to use up a couple scraps of basswood that I have to carve and paint a small brook and brown trout this past weekend. I am very pleased with how they turned out and figured I would share these latest carvings with the paflyfish community.

The size of these carvings allow for a great fit and addition to my tying desk and the rock bases work as a nice way to showcase them. I really enjoyed working in this size scale and I definitely think that I will make some more carvings of other trout species. But I have to get some more basswood first!

Photos of the unpainted brown trout carving



Photos of the painted and mounted brown trout



I made some very minor changes to the brook trout carving. The dorsal fin is a bit enlarged, the tail is not as forked and I modified the pectoral fins a little. Otherwise the forms are the same.

Photos of the painted and mounted brook trout



Photos of the two together and with a pencil for scaling...




I really enjoyed making these, but I would rather have a healthy ankle and some more moderate temperatures so that I could get out and fish for some trout... Who knows, maybe one of these days I'll get out and target some smallies!
Those look great, thanks for sharing!
There's a guy on reddit doing something very similar to this

His are much larger though, I thought the small one like yours would make a great gift or a nice addition to a desk/tying table. My favorite is the little brook trout. Nice job and hopefully that ankle heals up for you soon!
My lord, they are absolutely wonderful. I have exactly no talent in the area of the arts and am amazed by your wonderful carvings and paintings of them. I think you can be thankful for and proud of your talent. Talent like yours is really a nice gift.
I sometimes find doing things for no particular reason is the best medicine. Those look great! That's a talent.
Those look great. Glad you have something to pass the time while you're on the mend
Your down time added up to two great carvings,Math Fish. Very nice. GG
I may be able to help you with your search of Bass wood. PM me. Very nice carvings. Impressive to say the least.
very cool
Very nice.

I may have to start looking for basswood on the property.

Just lovely! you are blessed to have this talent.