Slow loading on this site


Feb 20, 2007
Is anyone else experiencing slow loading of threads, etc. on this site? I have tried accessing the site through both AOL and Internet Explorer and it doesn't make any difference. All the other sights I access load much faster. Definately feel like one of the Slowskis. Just wondering. :-o
YES I AM...............For about a month now..................
It must be so slow because this has been brought up about 4 times in the last week. No one has the time to wait for threads to load that they keep starting new ones about this subject.

(Maybe I should take a break and come back in 30 seconds)
If its like the one I was on-
the problem is we are using too much of the available bandwidth
The monitor might try deleting all second and beyond pages of responses and see what happens.
Also I PMed one of them for a hundred dollars or so a year we could lease a state of the art forum.
No ads
Instant response
Always checked in unless banned by the forums management.
Believe me if you have ever been on one of those beauties you would realize the free ones ``ain't''.
This type of inquiry belongs in the "site and forum comments" forum and, as noted, there are already a couple there discussing the problems people are having.
Agreed, but yea its definately bogged down, times out alot, almost unbearable.
Thanks Dave.

The idea of donations is still on the table, by the way. I'd send a chunk of change your way to get a better host.
Yesterday morning I noticed a huge improvement which kept up most of the day. Toward evening, I started having some problems again, but nowhere near the difficulties of the last week. This morning it's running like a well oiled machine.
This may have absolutely nothing at all to do with it... Then again, Microsoft just released a whole boatload of security patches this month. So maybe one of those patches had something to do with why everyone suddenly experienced the site slowing down.

I just added to my list of trusted sites and it's running much faster.

The site uses a lot of scripting, so I am guessing that if the site isn't trusted IE runs these scripts differently than if the site is trusted.

I haven't noticed the same problems on any other site, but, I don't think that any other site I visit works quite the same way as this one.
Microsoft released a cummulative patch to IE called MS08-024. It's a kitchen sink patch, so I couldn't vouch for what's in it. Although, there doesn't appear to be a smoking gun in the list.